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Problem with receiving credit card details

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    Problem with receiving credit card details

    Hi all, I'm new to this whole Actinic e commerce solutions and I've been landed with a site that has already been built prior to working for this company.

    There seems to be a problem with card details on the site.

    In the buisness settings, the card details are supposed to be sent separately, But how do I find out where these are sent to??

    Do they go to an email address? if so how do I change this address?

    Are they downloaded when you retreive orders? if so where do I find the card details to a specific order?

    And on another totally different topic for future use, how do I insert an image off my desktop into this message so that I can show people to screen setting that I currently have?

    Many thanks all
    Attached Files

    This option is used so that the customer can print off the order form and send it to you on paper. ie they are feeling insecure about typing in their details on line.

    Therefore you have to wait for them to send it


      well i dont want this option then I guess, What option do I need to select so that when they do put in their card details they do come through with the order, as this is how the client wants it set up??



        You need to go to 'View | Business Settings | Payment and Security'. One of the rows in the grid is called 'Credit Card Details Sent Separately'. Right click on this option and then delete it.

        Then click the '+' to add a new row to the grid. Select 'Capture credit card details for later processing' from the drop down list. Then click 'Configure Method' to select your security method and select what credit cards you are prepared to accept.

        With regards to security method, you can select 'Actinic In-Built Encryption' to get going live straight away. You will need to consider switching onto SSL-based security long-term, however, as people like to have the golden padlock appearing at the bottom of their browser windows to know their details are secure.


          Will give that a try. hopefully it will do the trick.

          Let you know how I get on.



