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editing Act_Order03

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    editing Act_Order03

    Could somebody help me out with a template edit, please?
    Having just installed Windows XP (why, oh why, oh why??!) on my PC (install, not upgrade) it reminded me that it doesn't have Java installed when I came to place an manual online order for a customer (PLEASE Actinic put some back-end, offline ordering in!!)

    Have it installed now but I want to add some text above (or under, maybe) where the applet *should* appear to tell customers that, if the java applet or grey box does not appear, to click "back" on their browser and select "send credit card details separately" and contact us with their card details

    Question is, how do I do that?
    I know next to nothing about template editing but I'm sure someone here has done similar.

    Step by step, please?
    TIA, Tracey

    oh somehow i managed to post a reply out of this thread . soz .. and the worst bit is i cant cnp url here cos im remote accessing my pc !! grr .

    check out a post near this post in list called java and opinion on using ssl instead ..
    s a b b i e t a g e d


    A wise Monkey never monkies with another Monkies Monkey ..


      Hi Tracey

      if you go to

      There is a help page there to tell people how to install java. You could use this and add you own code about the send credit cards separately too

