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java and opinion on using ssl instead

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    java and opinion on using ssl instead

    I personally suggest using actinic shared ssl as alot of ppl when shopping online do it for quickness of it.

    I work in IT and get asked alot about installing Java Machine so I feel by the people who ask me they would just get confused by the whole process.

    Secondly our company used to use another ecom software that originated in Australia where at the time they didn't collect switch issue numbers and we found when we emailed and asked for details 90% of customers did not feel good about giving out details.

    Everyone has it drummed in to them about the little padlock and feel safe shopping with that so Actinic shared SSL is a cheap and simple to set up solution around this problem .. Just a suggestion ..

    (oops i posted this out of its thread) soz ..
    s a b b i e t a g e d


    A wise Monkey never monkies with another Monkies Monkey ..