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Changing Payment Method to Radio Buttons

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    Changing Payment Method to Radio Buttons

    I am trying to change the way customers select their payment method on the checkout to radio buttons rather than drop down menu.
    I have see the tutorial on page 66 of the advance users guide but my entries in Design --> Text do not quite match up, i don't want to chance it and risk messing up the checkout before i have seeked advice here.

    Attached is a screenshot of my design --> text screen.

    My Screen-Shot

    Many Thanks


    You are looking at the wrong fields. The ones you want are further down the list. An easier way to get to them is to click on the 'Go To' button in the bottom left corner of the 'Design | Text' window and type 1951 in the 'ID field' and click 'OK' to take you to the first prompt. That and the next three are the prompts to change as per the advanced user guide.


      I changed it this morning and it did work however i have a couple of queries so have changed it back (hopefully) temporaily.

      Firstly when i made a test order i noticed that none of the options were highlighted by default, I could click the button to finish the order without selecting a payment method, when this order was downloaded on the orders pc (we split design and orders over 2 machines) the payment method was recorded as "Invoice and Payment before Delivery" .

      Can you offer me anymore advice on changing this??

      Many Thanks


        In the advanced user guide there are four prompts described for the payment method selection drop-down...

        Start of drop-down code for payment-selection drop-down.

        Default entry in payment selection drop-down (the one that is initially selected)
        <OPTION SELECTED VALUE='%s'>%s

        Non-default entry in payment selection drop-down.
        <OPTION VALUE='%s'>%s

        End of code for payment selection drop-down.

        It is 1954 which is the important one. Make sure this is changed to:



          Hi, I'm also stuck on this (see my previous thread 6632). I too had the wrong part of the design|text - duh, mixing up the " with the ' can happen, maybe the manual could be changed to give the ID number?

          Now I've got it all back how it should be, including what I'd previously changed. Now the option buttons are there but none is selected (unless I had previously selected it and it has 'remember me'd). I have tested a few times and double checked that the CHECKED is present and appears where it should. So what else could be stopping the option from being checked by default?

          I tried a test order with nothing selected and worryingly the system accepted the order - leaving 'payment method' blank on the receipt - even though this is a required field and shows up in the required red colour.

          What we want is the checked option to be the top one, which is 'credit/debit card pay online'.

          #attached zip doc containing two images: 1=design|text; 2=resutling section of website
          Josie Henley-Einion
          Collectors Supplies


            woops, thought I attached that file, well here it is.
            Attached Files
            Josie Henley-Einion
            Collectors Supplies


              The advice I always give people is to restore the default code (by clicking the 'Restore Default' button) and then try re-applying the changes. That is often more productive than de-bugging.
              maybe the manual could be changed to give the ID number?
              The Advanced User Guide has all the ID numbers in. Honest.

