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Bounce Page Layout

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    Bounce Page Layout

    I've looked through a few threads on customising the bounce message and layout and have managed to edit it a bit using the "goto ID23 "

    It's fine, but i want to add a new style to it and link the style sheet and edit the surrounding html.

    At the moment it looks like this:
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="0; URL="my_ref_url_here">
    <BODY BGCOLOR="#e9e9e9" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#6f0000" ALINK="#cc0000" VLINK="#6f0000"><BLOCKQUOTE>
    <div class="bounce_text">
    Please wait for your browser to forward you to the next page or click <A HREF="my_next_url_here">here</A>.</div> 
    bold is what is editable on ID23.

    how can i edit the surrounding?
    (i could link the style sheet in the ID23 field, but i'd rather not)

    blockquote tag doesn't close correctly either.
    any ideas?


    Hi there,

    I think you should be able to edit the surrounding html if you edit the "Act_BounceBody.html" template file in your Site1 folder (you'll find this wherever you chose to place the Actinic program folder on installation - the default is along the lines of c:\Program Files\Actinic Ecommerce\Sites\Site1).

    I hope this answers your question!



      Cheers for the reply,

      I did check bounce body and all i have in there is:
      <div align="center"><b>NETQUOTEVAR:BOUNCEMESSAGE</b></div>

      i was more after this area:
      <META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="0; URL="my_ref_url_here">
      <BODY BGCOLOR="#e9e9e9" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#6f0000" ALINK="#cc0000" VLINK="#6f0000"><BLOCKQUOTE>



        The stuff you want comes from a perl file -

        If you find this file in your Site1 folder and open it in Notepad and search for 'refresh' you will get this line
        		$sMetaTag = "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"refresh\" "; # refresh message
        		$sMetaTag .= "CONTENT=\"$nDelay; URL=".$sRefPage."\">\n";
        The code that goes below this enters the rest of the content for the page. There is some code that reads
        # add the message to the page
        $sHTML .= $sBounceSentence . "<BLOCKQUOTE>";
        which looks like it is the culprit for the strange looking closing blockquote tag. When editing the page, just add to the HTML expressions that are already in the double quotes. When you want to enter a quote mark (") into an HTML expression, precede it with a slash (\").


          that's the one Chris, thanks for that!

          Unfortunatly, it's a bit more convoluted than i hoped,
          but I'd like to be able to attach my stylesheet to here too.

          I could hardcode it (taking into account the slashed quotes etc) but it would only work on my staging server, id's have to change it everytime i update the live server.

          I noticed that most pages employ the "base" tag, change this on export and reference it.

          <BASE HREF="http://myserver/acatalog/"> 
          <LINK REL=STYLESHEET HREF="actinic.css">
          Is there a way to add this to the that section so it would do this for me?



            Can't you just use a full URL to refer to your stylesheet e.g.

            <LINK REL=STYLESHEET HREF=\"http://myserver/acatalog/actinic.css\">


              could do but i use 2 servers, one local one for development and then a live one.
              didn't want to have to fiddle around or have 2 style sheet links.. thought it'd do it properly for once ... if there was such a way

              i'm happy to bodge it though


