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Adding components and attributes

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    Adding components and attributes

    I've started working with components and attributes/choices. It appears straight forward - except I get this error when testing on the web -
    Select Shipping Destination - Error opening ../www/acatalog/68Z47Z107Z40A1082239435B21822.cart (No such file or directory)

    If I remove the component/attributes with choices, the UPS shipping feature works fine and the entire ordering process can be completed, but just one components/attributes/choices and this message comes back.


    Hi there.

    Strange! I have seen a very similar error when the permissions are set to 755 on the acatalog folder instead of 777 (in Unix speak). If you are using a Windows server, the permissions should be

    Read & Execute

    for the IUSR account on the acatalog folder.

    I am not sure whether this is the problem, but is worth checking with your hosting company that the permissions on the acatalog folder are set correctly.



      More information

      I've been working with the hosting service tech who has confirmed that he cannot see why, from a UNIX perspective, why the .cart file is not created when you order a component model purchase.

      My additional observations which will hopefully draw a good answer is -

      If you click a buy button on another product without a component and add that item in the cart, and then add the complex purchase it works fine.

      In other words the simple purchase creates a .cart file and will allow you to add the complex purchase to that cart.

      It's just that the complex purchase will bomb, being unable to create a .cart in the first place.


        What happens if you buy lots of different simple products, ie ones without components and attributes, does it still bomb?



          Buying without components

          When you purchase multiple products with component or attributes the system works fine.

          When you buy a procuct with a component it will only work, if you've ordered a non component first.


            Error message

            Here is the error message when attempting to buy one product with a component. I've also noticed that it does not add the component prices either. Hopefully thats a clue.

            Select Shipping Destination - Error opening ../www/acatalog/68Z47Z107Z40A1082239435B21822.cart (No such file or directory)



              I would suggest two things.

              Firstly, remove all *.cat and *.fil (except ActinicSCCode.fil) from your 'Site1' folder. Then remove all the *.cat and *.fil files from the 'acatalog' folder online. Then try a refresh. It may be you have corrupt pricing files that is causing Actinic difficulties.

              Secondly, could you please let us know a URL so we can see it happening for ourselves.


                Followed instructions

                I did the delete and refresh as instructed without any change in the issue.

                As an aside, I noticed when creating a new test component/attribute/choice to test that selecting a choice did not affect the checkout price.

                That is, if the main product is $100 and the selected choice is $50, then the sum of these items at checkout should be $150, and not $100. As I said before I could only get to the check if I ordered a product without any compnents to set up the .cart file.

                I noticed that under the component properties, the only available options were overide, component prices and associated product prices. Ideas?

                There wasn't an option for the sum of the prices.

                And one last question - if you use associated product prices and then change that product will it reflect in the purchase price via an unrelated product component?


                  There wasn't an option for the sum of the prices.
                  You will find this option within the 'Components' tab of the product.
                  if you use associated product prices and then change that product will it reflect in the purchase price via an unrelated product component?

                  With regards to your ongoing problems, I need to see a URL to advise further.


                    Link to bad pages

                    Visit and click on the Thermasol SS-60. At the top of page is a link to controls. On this page is the demo that creates the error message if ordered first.

                    If ordered second, its fine.

                    Other site does not have components and works fine.


                      No matter what I order on your site, I receive the following error message:
                      This shopping application requires permission to use cookies on your machine, but this has been denied.
                      This can be for several different reasons, but they are all under your control:

                      you may have disallowed cookies altogether in your browser
                      you may have the privacy policy in your browser or internet security software/firewall set to a level that stops cookies from being used by this shopping site
                      Cookies in this shopping application are used to keep track of your cart contents, remember names and addresses when you ask for them to be remembered and, when relevant, keep you logged on.

                      Cookies are not used in any way that abuses your privacy or security.

                      Please change your settings to allow cookies either in your browser or firewall. If you choose not to, I'm afraid that we cannot complete your request.
                      You get this message when the 'cgi-bin' directory is on a different domain to the one showing in the browser window. And indeed, when I check your cgi-bin URL, the URL is '' and the domain in the browser is ''.

                      You have two options:

                      1) Get rid of frames in the store. This means you will have the '' showing in the browser whilst shopping, but the thing will definitely work.

                      2) Change your network settings so that the non-SSL CGI-BIN URL is ''.



                        I'll work on it. Thanks.

                        Is a third option, a private SSL certificate?


                          Is a third option a private SSL certificate?
                          Yes absolutely. That will allow you to use both http and https addresses for all the directories within your '' domain.

