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Multiple quantity boxes for components

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    Multiple quantity boxes for components

    Ok I am almost there!

    I have products which use sum of component prices to to build up the cost. If I have more than one component it adds the sum up grand, but sometimes the customer wants more than one of a particular component so I have added it to Act_VariantCheckBox.html (which is called as well) and it adds in the checkbox fine but in the next table cell beside it, it just prints the words

    per component, Now if actually printed the input box I would be laughing but no joy at the moment,

    Any ideas anyone?

    It is not possible to have a quantity field against a component - component quantities are always tied in with the main product quantity.

    The only way to spoof this would to create an 'order form' style page with a single add to cart button, and then people can specify the quantity of the 'main' product and the 'add-on' product separately. The main product would be laid out with a standard 'large' template, and the 'add-on' could be displayed with a much more compact template.

