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Parsing PHP after Perl -- template ideas for the whole site

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    Parsing PHP after Perl -- template ideas for the whole site

    I have experimented with integrating php into my Actinic sites with some success... by using .htaccess file/s I have been able to have the default .html catalog generated files parsed through PHP to show my php include files which control my overall design template.

    However I can't seem to find a way for the PHP to be parsed once an action is used in the cart and carts scripts are called directly.. eg to view cart, update cart , checkout etc the url changes from .html to .pl for example. When these Perl scripts are called I can't then get the PHP code parsed.

    Has anyone been successful with using PHP files to layout their overall design? At the moment I am stuck with Dreamweaver templates to control my cart design and the design for the rest of my website and don't wish to rely on a 3rd party program for doing this.

    Currently my Act_Primary.html file is created from a Dreamweaver template and is simply copied over from my Dreamweaver 'Site' folder to the Catalog Site folder once a change has been made to the template.

    Why do it this way at all?

    Actinic generates HTML pages based on templates and can even include external files in the HTML if you want it to.

    Doing it your way just slows down the server and is really only needed if there's dynamic stuff to include.


    PS. You'll also find that other cgi generated pages such as search results and logged on customer don't work either.

    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Why do it this way?

      Simple.... one file. One file which controls the design for the whole site not just the shopping cart .. eg forum, guestbook etc.


        OK. Good point about all the external stuff.

        The only way I can think of doing it is to put your includes into the actinic primary templates. That way it'll still use your master files for the layout (including the CGI generated ones such as the cart, checkout, search, logins, etc) and the layout will still be determined by your external files. In this case though the actinic pages/files will be generated on your PC rather than on the server, so it should run faster too.


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


