We have so many customers who persist in entering their address in non-standard ways.
The most common is...
Everything in lower case, even post codes.
Other variants are things such as:
Andrews M (for name)
Andrews Miss (for name)
m andrews 1 the street anytown hampshire po13fg
all in the NAME field !
(and even if I make the other address fields mandatory, they just force it by putting an x in them).
Post codes without a space, e.g. GL111LP
(gl111lp looks great on an address label)
The "all lower case" syndrome is obviously a part of today's way of entering things into computers... especially in chat lines, etc.
But what these people do not realise, is that they are entering something that is going to be printed on an invoice ... and an address label !
It seems that there is absolutely no way of educating them!
So.... how have other Actinic store users been able to handle this problem? Do you have the same problem? Or is there a way that Actinic can *enforce* correct data entry in the name and address fields?

We have so many customers who persist in entering their address in non-standard ways.
The most common is...
Everything in lower case, even post codes.
Other variants are things such as:
Andrews M (for name)
Andrews Miss (for name)
m andrews 1 the street anytown hampshire po13fg
all in the NAME field !
(and even if I make the other address fields mandatory, they just force it by putting an x in them).
Post codes without a space, e.g. GL111LP
(gl111lp looks great on an address label)
The "all lower case" syndrome is obviously a part of today's way of entering things into computers... especially in chat lines, etc.
But what these people do not realise, is that they are entering something that is going to be printed on an invoice ... and an address label !
It seems that there is absolutely no way of educating them!
So.... how have other Actinic store users been able to handle this problem? Do you have the same problem? Or is there a way that Actinic can *enforce* correct data entry in the name and address fields?