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Order decryption problem and then lost

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    Order decryption problem and then lost

    Whilst downloading orders I had an error message saying that there had been a decrytion problem with one of them. After several attempts I hit the 'remove' button to remove the order from the download, and leave it on the server.

    Actinic told me the file name the order would have on the server (with an .ordx suffix). I can find this file with my FTP software, but the file evidentally has no contents (0 bytes file size).

    How to I retrieve this order, or is it lost?

    I have subsequently placed and downloaded orders without problem, but would like to know what happened to this one

    Many thanks

    Jeremy Arnold

    That, to me, does not sound like a real order. Actinic would not have removed any data from the file so it would have been zero bytes before you downloaded it.

    I don't know what could cause that - maybe someone pressing the 'Submit' button twice - but that fact there was a decryption error shows that the file was not created by the Perl (as in that case it would have had the correct decryption data).

    Sorry I cannot be any more help.


      As a follow-up, the customer 'phoned me today to find out where his goods were!

      It was a proper order; the customer remembered having had two 'Page Not Found' errors before getting through to the receipt page correctly on the third attempt.

      It's not happened again since, but naturally is something of a worry. It's hard enough to get orders in the first place, without them getting lost afterwards!

      Jeremy Arnold

