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Built in SSL encryption

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    Built in SSL encryption

    I have modified one site to reflect the built in encryption but when attempting to test purchase it doesn't function properly.

    Although the securely encrypted box appears at the checkout, it doesn't display any fill in boxes for the credit card number, etc.

    Another sister site, developed on the same PC does not have this problem.

    What is the fix?

    Hi there

    Are you using Windows XP, if you are, then you may not have java installed. This is the reason why you do not have any drop down box.

    The other pc that you tested on could be running windows 2000, ME, 98 or 95, these operating systems did have java installed.

    To install Java, please go to the following site:

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      SSL encyption

      No, java is not the problem. The latest java is running on the XP. I can see the correct display on another Actinic site from the same PC, that doesn't display on the problem site. And both sites are configured the same.

      I also didn't mention that neither the fields not the type of credit card drop down box is displayed.



        I would delete '' and '' from the 'acatalog' folder, and remove the 'COM\Actinic\Catalog' folders from the 'acatalog' folder.

        Then do a 'Web | Refresh Website'. That should do it.



          Did that, but no change.


            Hi there

            Please could you provide a link to both shops.

            One that is working on your pc and one that isn't

            Maybe we can find the issue from there

            Kind Regards
            Nadeem Rasool
            SellerDeck Development


              As requested

              This is the link to the problem site -


              The other site generated from the same PC does not use components.


                Here's better reply

                Visit and click on the Thermasol SS-60. At the top of page is a link to controls. On this page is the demo that creates the error message if ordered first.

                If ordered second, its fine.

                Other site does not have components and works fine.


                  Hi there

                  Looking at the site you posted the link, the payment method you are using is "Credit Card Details Sent Separately", therefore Actinic will not be asking for any credit card details.

                  I have done a test order: AC13AA10000002, so the checkout stages are working fine

                  Cannot see any issue with this

                  Kind Regards
                  Nadeem Rasool
                  SellerDeck Development


                    Error message

                    I think that you ordered the SS-60 product and not the control as indicated in the last message.

                    FYI the credit card details sent separately is the second item on the list, and a fallback option. I don't know why it appears the the first choice when ordering - even when the georgraphic region is valid.

                    Go to the top of the SS-60 page, and click on the controls link. The second item down is the multiple choice problem.

                    You'll see the error message if you order it first. Order it second and it will work.


                      Please see my response at the end of


                      I am closing this thread now so we are only following this in one thread.

