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Out of nowhere - Order # Reset

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    Out of nowhere - Order # Reset

    Good Morning All,

    This morning we recieved an e-mail from a customer asking where their products were, included in the email was a copy of their order confirmation.

    The date ordered was April 23rd 2004.

    The order number they had was ####0000004, but we are now onto order ####0000817. Very strange ?

    The signature of their order confirmation was from a site we shut down about 8 months ago, but the products ordered are only on our new site ( and never existed on the old site.

    The e-mail address the order confirmation was sent from was also changed about 8 months ago.

    Does it get stranger ?

    We never recieved this order via actinic, and there are no outstanding or corrupt orders online (in the actinic directory).

    I have spoken to the customer, and they talked me through exactly what they did, everything was done normally as it should be. No error messages or strange happenings at all.

    I have also been on the phone to actinic tech support who didn't have a clue what has happened.

    Anyone ever had any similar problems ?

    How could this of happened ?

    Any light shed on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
    <a href="">Roll On . . .</a> | <a href="">Playground</a>

    It does sound very strange.

    the only thing I can think of is that you may have some old scripts sitting around on your server that got picked up by mistake.

    You could try making sure there are no scripts on your server with the wrong script ID number. i.e. ending in anything other than


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Checked, all scripts end in

      Thanks for the help.
      <a href="">Roll On . . .</a> | <a href="">Playground</a>


        Problem solved.

        One of our techie's setup another actinic site with a snapshot from ours and somehow a cutomer managed to find it and place an order.

        Apologies for the time wasting.
        <a href="">Roll On . . .</a> | <a href="">Playground</a>

