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Strange artifact appearing in web pages

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    Strange artifact appearing in web pages


    Take a look at - browse books in the "coming soon" section. On a page with only 1 coming soon book, everything is fine.

    But on a page with 2 coming soon books, a "-->" appears at the top of the page (just before the first product). And on a page with 5 books, 4 "-->"s appear in the page.

    This doesn't appear on most of the product pages, because most pages only have one product. Book any section (like "Languages" which has 2 or more products has this artificact.

    The strange thing is, i can't find this artifact in the source code of the generated page. It looks to me like the end of a comment, but why should it appear?

    This appears in both Mozilla and IE.

    Odd, init?


    Check your Act_ProductLine template used in that section.

    You will see code within it along the lines of < ! - - all together and then the closing - - > which basically means the software is to not show the content within it when it generates your site.

    You probably have a missing starting comment tag missing, so check for starting and closing tags and where you have a close but not start, that will be the culprit.

