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Product CSV Export

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    Product CSV Export

    I would like to export my products from Actinic into Sage Line 50 V10. I know how to import into Sage, no probs, but how do i go about exporting a product CSV from actinic?



    If you go into File | Export you will then have options of exporting the catalog (products) into a number of different export types.

    Hope this helps.


      It does thanks. The only thing is that it exports lots of other useless info as well. But at least i can delete what i do not want and then use the relevant stuff for Sage.





        I'm trying to do the same, but when I try and import the .csv file in to sage I get a blank error report!? Anyone else get this/fix this?

        Also, can you advise on the best way to edit this csv. to only import the data I want.

        Finally, can anyone advise on the most efficient way of keeping my site up to date with regards to product pricing. I have a lot of products of different types and compoments. I guess what I am really trying to find out is, if I import data from sage, is it going to mess up the layout/format of my site?

        Lot's to answer I know, but I am new to this and like most of you I guess, have another million questions I'm trying to answer as well!
        Thank goodness for forums!


          I'm trying to do the same, but when I try and import the .csv file in to sage I get a blank error report!? Anyone else get this/fix this?
          Might be useful to see the file you are trying to import into Sage. From memory, Sage can only import product codes, names, prices and stock levels for products so there can't really be that much to go wrong If you look up 'Importing' in the Sage help system you will get more info. Some people find it easier to just open the Actinic ActinicCatalog.mdb file (in the 'Site1' folder) in Access and then copy and paste the 'Product' table into Excel. You can then tweak this to get rid of unwanted info.
          Finally, can anyone advise on the most efficient way of keeping my site up to date with regards to product pricing. I have a lot of products of different types and compoments.
          Are you using Actinic Link? I'm guessing you are. For components and options, the thing to do is import your products from Sage and then select 'Hide on Web Site' so the prodouct does not appear online. You can then associate this hidden product to a choice in Actinic via the 'Permutations' tab of a component. You can also make the choice inherit the associated product price.

