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Importing Sage into Actinic ????

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    Importing Sage into Actinic ????


    I’ve got a couple of queries in regard to using sage with actinic (please keep in mind I’ve never looked at sage, so not sure if it does what I’m thinking but need to ask for a client)


    If I’m importing my products from sage into actinic and I want to associate a product with a component of another product.

    e.g. on the actinic demo, the t-shirt product (products with optional extras) is blanked out and a component associated with that product can be found in the Movie Product.

    If when doing an update from sage, will it update the master t-shirt product with the relevant information e.g. prices, stock etc and then actinic will update the component in movie or will it delete the association?


    When importing products from sage will the transfer process associate the products with the correct price schedule in actinic?

    e.g. in sage

    Product | Desc | Special Price 1 | Special Price 2
    Gloves | Red Gloves | £4.88 | £6.99
    Cement | Cement | £5.66 | -
    Pizza | Cheese & Onion| - | £3.88

    In actinic

    Product | Desc | Price Schedules
    Gloves | Red Gloves | Special Price 1
    | | Special Price 2
    Cement | Cement | Special Price 1
    Pizza | Cheese & Onion | Special Price 2

    Also is it possible to associate customer accounts (also imported from sage) to be associated with specific actinic price schedules???


    What are the limitations of using sage with actinic??? E.g what would the client have to set-up manually after an update of the products, customer details, prices etc in actinic?

    I would be grateful if anyone knows any answers to these questions. Many thanks in advance
    Mel Bagley

    KC3 - Actinic GOLD reseller

    If when doing an update from sage, will it update the master t-shirt product with the relevant information e.g. prices, stock etc and then actinic will update the component in movie or will it delete the association?
    Yes - it will update the existing product with the new details from Sage (e.g. price, stock etc. ) but will leave the non-Sage details alone (e.g. the fact that it is hidden, the fact that it is associated with a component etc.)
    When importing products from sage will the transfer process associate the products with the correct price schedule in actinic?
    Yes - this bit's dead clever. Actinic will take all your price lists, quantity-dependent pricing info, special customer prices and good customer discounts from Sage and then translate them into Actinic price schedules.
    Also is it possible to associate customer accounts (also imported from sage) to be associated with specific actinic price schedules???
    Absolutely - this is done automatically. For more complex Sage databases, you may get a different price schedule for each customer account in Actinic as each Sage customer has a unique combination of discounts. But it does work.
    what would the client have to set-up manually after an update of the products, customer details, prices etc in actinic
    The biggest limitation is that you have to manually create a buyer for each customer account after they are imported from Sage.

