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jagged fonts

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    jagged fonts

    I designing my new site based on the 'slimline' theme, and I am designing it at 640x480 for maximum user coverage.

    The problem is that the heading fonts (on the brochure home page for example) are quite jagged and look pretty ugly. I have tried a few different fonts, but they all have the same problem.

    Does anyone know a way around this? Why aren't they scaling properly?

    Also, how does actinic handle font in different resolutions? Is it smart enough to use a bigger font in a higher resolution or does it just use the same size no matter what the resolution?

    (and no, the pages aren't online yet so you can't see them)

    It normally uses percentage or small, large method for font sizes, but depending on the theme in use will dictate the size of your fonts.

    If you are using a CSS driven theme, then you can go into this (Advanced | Template Manager | Misc | Css) and assign the size you want for the particular heading etc, with the default options normally going along the lines of small, smaller, regular, larger etc etc which you will need to amend as you see fit.

    If it is not using CSS, then assign either a fixed font size or better a percentage code which will keep with the browser option of text size for site visitors within the specific template itself.


      But how do I get rid of the jagged fonts? Is there a particular font that scales well?

      and did I say 640x480? I meant 800x600!


        With nothing to look at to see what font or size you are using at the moment, it would all be guesswork, but I like Verdana and in my usage it looks good in almost all resolutions and Text Size alterations at the browser level, but trial and error based on your usage will be the only way I am afraid with the usual lineup of favourites being Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif or the old time new roman

