We have tried to display the Cart Item Count and Total on out product pages. Although we have got the javascript right all we got were zeros.
Thinking that there might be a cookie issue I noticed that the root URL address shown whilst looking at the product pages was different to that when viewing the Cart.
The Cart address is shown as:-
However, the catalog address is shown as:-
Why is the www missing? If I put it into the address my Cart Count and Total start working.
Please help and point me to the option I've got wrong. Thanks
James Scott-Evans
Thinking that there might be a cookie issue I noticed that the root URL address shown whilst looking at the product pages was different to that when viewing the Cart.
The Cart address is shown as:-
However, the catalog address is shown as:-
Why is the www missing? If I put it into the address my Cart Count and Total start working.
Please help and point me to the option I've got wrong. Thanks
James Scott-Evans