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Checkout bounces back to referring page

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    Checkout bounces back to referring page

    I just delivered a site to a client, which they've installed and uploaded.

    However, if you try to checkout, the first screen appears (where you can choose the delivery country). Then, if you click Next, you don't go to the next screen, you are bounced back to the shopping page you were on when you went to the checkout.

    Could this be a script permissions thing?


    Hi Mike

    Could you provide a URL for us to take a look at.

    Ben Popplestone
    Ecommerce website software






        Mike, I get the following error in your checkout:
        Error: ../htdocs/acatalog/61Z11Z73Z158A1084439977B21380.session can not be locked during Session init!
        A possible solution for this error has been given in this thread.
        Ben Popplestone
        Ecommerce website software



          Thanks for that, I'll check the session time.

          Noticed also that there's a rogue 'htdocs' in the path - this should be there on the staging server I was using, but don't think it applies to their live hosting - I'll get them to check their Advanced Network settings as well.



            I am the owner of this site and I still ahve the problem. Having read the manuals, I am confused about the document root, acatalog and cgi-bin paths.
            On the server the document root is /var/www/htdocs.
            The cgi-bin is in /var/www/cgi-bin, i.e. not underneath htdocs.

            Browser requests to /cgi-bin are redirected by Apache to the correct directory. Some of Actinic works because it does keep a track of your shopping bag, but won't let you check-out.
            I have my Network settings path from the cgi-bin to acatalog set as ../htdocs/acatalog i.e. the relative path in the filesystem - is this correct?
            Does this path refer to the actual placing in the filesystem or to the relative URL because these 2 things are not the same.
            Further, to confuse matters more, all of these directories are symbolic links in Linux. Could that make a difference?
            The cgi scripts create files in acatalog owned by user apache, but are initially uploaded by a different user and chmoded g+w,o+w could this make a difference?

            I don't use a managed host, but rent a whole server thru one and one, so the Apache configuration is changeable if required.
            I have disabled all the virtual hosting because it was too complicated.

            The last thing is that the site was developed in 6.3, but snapshot delivered and auto-upgraded into 6.4. It works in 6.3.


              I looked at the previous posting hint and it doesn't appear to be a timeout problem because the page refreshes back immediately on my dedicated webserver.

              I also have a separate managed host under , where the acatalog and cgi-bin are both under the same document root, as per the examples given in these forums and as was given in the working website delivered by jizepi. The same error happens with this hosted domain (1and1 business), albeit with a 10 second delay between pressing Next at country selection and being thrown back to the product catalog page.

              Does anyone have any other ideas about this?


                I have my Network settings path from the cgi-bin to acatalog set as ../htdocs/acatalog i.e. the relative path in the filesystem - is this correct?
                Yes - this is correct.

                Ben and I have looked at this, and we noticed you have got images for the Back/Next/Cancel buttons in the checkout. After the site was upgraded to 6.1.4, did you re-apply the Perl change to the 6.1.4 that is mentioned in the AUG in order to allow these image buttons to work?



                  Chris you are a genius! It works now that I put that bit of perl in!

                  I never saw that bit in the AUG before. Worth noting!


