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Surcharge by CARD type in payment.

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    Surcharge by CARD type in payment.

    I've noticed a recent trend with online shopping in the USA and indeed with budget airlines here in the UK, such as Ryanair for example...

    Effectively a convenience fee, where " wanna pay by Amex, sure buddy but it'll cost ya 1.7% on your bill..."

    The merchant charges of Amex, Diners and indeed the rest are a fair whack off your gross against the profit margins and a cost to be considered. When booking a Ryanair ticket you pay £1.99 for a ticket and say £28.01 in tax (thanks Tony) so thus £30.00 b but when you toggle between Switch, Delta, Visa etc the fare changes based upon chosen payment method. A set of rules pre payment server page applies a surcharge...

    Here's the problem...

    The calc needs done in Actinic and passed to the MSP with total adjusted value, we can't simply use "payment method" as each card within the MSP set would need a sub-routine and we'd need to pass the card type as fixed to the MSP ... else you could choose Switch payment in Actinic to get a lower (or none) surcharge and then select Visa / Amex at the MSP secure pages... Fun eh? It would also be useful to identify the surcharge value at order download so retailers can reconcile order values...

    I can't see any way to do this now, nor can Worldpay or SecPay but perhaps Actinic could perform "our side" or arange a solution with MSP's...?

    We all need this powerful feature...

    In v7 you are going to be able to apply a general surcharge if a customer pays by credit card - but is not going to be possible to break this down by specific card types.


      Close enough mate...

      Just drop-shipping to deal with now eh?

