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Showing Product Quantity in the Cart

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    Showing Product Quantity in the Cart

    The Actinic Business catalog has been set as:

    - Product Design
    - Product
    - Components
    - Attributes
    - Choices - Drop down list with corresponding prices

    From the Drop Down list, a choice is made, quantity (say, e.g. 3)entered and added to the basket. The quantities shown in the basket are:

    Product 3
    Choice 3

    This is not acceptable. The customer does not want to see any quantity against the product. In other words, the only quantity showing in the basket should be the choice (from Drop Down list) quantity. How can I achieve that?
    Best Regards


    Why use components for this?

    Actinic business version 6 has support for quantity dependent pricing (see your user guide). I'm pretty sure that this would be a better set-up for your catalog, it will allow you to utilise other features such as stock control.

    The only time I would understand it if it was batteries for example and you offered packs of 2, 4 or 6 etc. and then your cart would read: 1 off Battery (Pack of 2)

