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    Hi all.

    I have just begun my next store and when I configure website details it says that my path to perl /usr/bin/perl is incorrect and my perl extension .pl is incorrect. I have double checked with fashosts support that this all correct , and it is.
    Fasthosts 1st line support said that possibly i needed to convert all my .pl and .pm files to a linux format...even though my previous store didnt need this to work. So I'm not sure about that advice.

    Also when i test my network settings for the store i get these errors..

    " Actinic Ecommerce received a bad method error from the web server. The server is not properly configured to allow Actinic Ecommerce to run CGI scripts from the cgi-bin. Run Web | Configure Web Site Details... to review your web site configuration. "

    and ...

    " The web server returned error code 405 - Server does not support the requested method. Your web server is not configured to accept POSTs to CGI scripts. Contact your ISP or system administrator and have them reconfigure the server. "

    Then...when I try a "check and send files" it goes through the list of actions ok until it gets to the merge incremental updates part and when it tries to merges files on the server i get a pop up appear with a large amount of text on it. I have attached a jpeg screenshot of this for you to have a look at.

    Can anyone help with this?

    Thanks for your time .

    kind regards
    rich jacob
    firecraka multimedia ltd

    attachment didnt work on last post ...

    Attachment didnt seem to work on last post so I have uploaded it to the website as a separate page.... the link is:

    That is what i get when it tries to merge files on server...

    kind regards
    rich jacob
    firecraka multimedia ltd


      I am pretty sure you get this message when the permissions on the cgi-bin are incorrect.

      I suffered it myself last week, and think this was my solution


        For information on changing Fasthosts permissions using 'Putty', click here.


          Another site with the same problem

          Having begun another site and tested my network settings, yet again I reach the point where I get a 405 error message about the cgi-bin not being correctly configured. I'm used to this now and know there is a solution to it but I can't seem to find it I have spoken directly to fasthosts support and they have ackknowledged that my network settings are correct. I have also set permissions in putty to 755 cgi, and 777 acatalog.

          I have attached the network settings for this site.

          Appreciated some quick advice on this one.

          Thanks for your time.
          Kind regards
          rich jacob
          Attached Files


            Hi there

            The network settings are fine for me, they pass. You network setting seem okay for the fasthost server, so i am wondering if they have fixed the server on there end.

            Kind Regard
            Nadeem Rasool
            SellerDeck Development


              Hi Nadeem

              Thanks for your time...

              ...and ..Yes , I think that fasthosts fixed it their end. Strangely it just seemed to start working. It does seem that every store i do on linux takes a little while for the server to actually settle after configuration.

              Thanks again for your time.

              rich jacob

