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Product with different priced sizes

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    Product with different priced sizes

    If I have a product that is available in 3 different sizes, at different prices, how do I get that to display in actinic business without having 3 different products listed?

    Ideally it would have a single product with a drop down list showing the price of each.

    I have tried all of the attributes and choices and componants and can't figure out how to do this.

    eg. Bottled Water - 250ml 50p, 500ml 80p, 1ltr £1.50

    you create a component, then an attribute (size) and then choice.

    in the description of the choice you put the price.

    when you've done this go back to the component, click fill list. this is where the price that goes into the basket is set


      This would seem to have several problems -

      1) How would it work with discounts? (I'm using customer accounts)

      2) It is a lot of extra work if changing the prices

      3) How do I manage stock control for the different sizes?


        1) How would it work with discounts? (I'm using customer accounts)
        dont know

        2) It is a lot of extra work if changing the prices
        this is true

        3) How do I manage stock control for the different sizes?
        you have to create hidden products for each and every combination.

        as you say it is a rubbish solution, but its all there is right now

        it may have been addressed in V7


          Do you still have the example v6 products and sections? If so, look at the monitors for the 'Desktop PC' for an example of how this is set up.
          1) How would it work with discounts? (I'm using customer accounts)
          Each permutation price has its own 'Prices' are within the 'Permutations' tab where you can see how much each choice costs to your different customer groups.
          2) It is a lot of extra work if changing the prices
          Not if you use associated products - see below.
          3) How do I manage stock control for the different sizes?
          As Jo says, you need to create a hidden product within your store for each choice, and then use the 'Product' field in the 'Permutations' tab to link each choice with its equivalent hidden product. This will take care of the stock (you keep an eye on the stock levels within the products) and if you select 'Associate Product Prices' within the 'Pricing' field of each permutation, the choices will inherit the prices of these associated products.

          The only really tricky bit is how to show the prices to your different customers. I suggest entering your '250ml 50p, 500ml 80p, 1ltr £1.50' within the 'Customer Message' field in the 'Prices' tab of the product - that will make it different for each customer account.

