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Weird J instead of £ in search

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    Weird J instead of £ in search


    I would be very greatful if someone could help me out with this.

    I've just uploaded my site for the first time. Please have a look -

    Although I have a problem. When you use the quicksearch up in the top right hand corner it lists 'J' instead of '£' for the price. It's also changed something with the widths of the table and made the menu's shift out of line. Everything else works great, Its just when you search.

    The thing is I had this website hosted locally on a machine at home while I was building it and there was no problems with the search then. I used the same settings for that. All I did was to point the network settings to the hosting server as supposed to my PC.

    I tried a full refresh but had no joy. Any ideas please?

    Many thanks,

    Looks like you have a strange character set defined in the page head
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=windows-1251"><style type="text/css">

    The source is including the pound symbol in the search results page, but the browser is not displaying it correctly.
    The other pages generated by Actinic use the iso description "And Hash 163 semi-colon" which the browser correctly displays as the pound symbol.
    I had a similar problem, but it went away after a site refresh.


      This charset windows 1251 is used for cyrillic languages.
      The pound symbol in charset iso 8859-1 is decimal 163 (hex A3)
      Windows 1251 will display this as you reported.

      Have you considered omitting prices from your search results?



        Hey Stephen.

        Thanks so much for your help.
        I changed the charset to <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> and now all is well.

        Thanks again.

