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    Just downloaded V7 to see one thing, the demise of the NETQUOTEVAR!

    Why, why, why, why, why is it still their?
    Replace it. Shorten it. Get rid of it, but for the sake of the sanity of all, NETQUOTEVARO SOMETHING WITH IT!

    What a missed opportunity.

    I suppose what you are after is drag and drop components, reusable code snippets and no NQV's. Maybe this will happen in V8

    I have grown to like the use of NQV's in Actinic and now that I have Dreamweaver setup with all these as snippets it makes life so much easier.
    Owner of a broken heart


      It's a combination the length and the UPPERCASE that makes reading very difficult. You can't see the wood for the trees. Everything shouts.

      I've been working with Actinic sites on and off for more than 5 yrs now and it still irks. We are having a shift in market and I shall be using Actinic a lot more. Two on the go at the minute.

      V7 does look to have addressed lots of my wish list, but NETQUOTEVAR: still drives me mad. I notice in the forum, that this tends to be shortened to NQV.

      Even that is an improvement.


        Thanks for your candid feedback.

        The approach with v7 was was not to try and do everything - but instead to really focus on a particular area and hit it hard. In the case of v7, we focussed on discounting and being able to enter orders on the desktop.

        Removing the NETQUOTEVARs is a huge amount of work - but it is work we really want to do. The thing is, if we do a release that changes the way the Actinic design works, it will probably mean there will not be many other functionality changes in the release.

        However, improving design in Actinic is the next target within our sites and we have some great ideas of how it could be done.


          I do like the speed and thought that goes behind the responses on this site.

          I appreciate that things take time so good luck with the planning for V8.

          How about opening a seperate forum where users can express their wishlist and voice their expectations of a new version?

          Balance this against your perceptions of users wishes and expectations, and you have an instant specification.


            How about opening a seperate forum where users can express their wishlist and voice their expectations of a new version?
            The 'Any Other Business' forum has been designed for this purpose. Feel free to post any ideas/suggestions for discussion.


              There is a thread in there already called 'wish list', I've added a couple already...

              I would suggest re-iterating requests where appropriate (rather than just adding new ones), so actinic get an idea of the most popular wished for features, not just a big list with no idea of priority.

              Unless of course there is a voting feature on this board?

