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Question about v7 and Upgrading

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    Question about v7 and Upgrading

    Hello. Currently we are using Developer v6 to create E-Commerce sites. If we upgrade to V.7 when it comes out, will our existing customers have to purchase v.7 of the order manager, or will they be able to use v6?

    If I was you I would leave myself with V6 and leave clients sites here unless they want/need the upgrade.

    Just use V7 for new sites.
    Owner of a broken heart




      I spoke to actinic this morning re this same issue and yes your client's would need to upgrade their versions to version 7 ..

      So Actinic suggested to me that I keep both copies installed on pc and run version 6 for clients who do not wish to upgrade ..

      However I am going to install 7 check out new features and sell them to the client as a good enough reason to upgrade .. when you compare to the costs of a shop's expenses then its loose change in comparison ..
      s a b b i e t a g e d


      A wise Monkey never monkies with another Monkies Monkey ..


        Just as a matter of interest. The last order of Actinic 6 from me was late March. However, I paid for it 30 days on invoice, after 14th April. Am I therefore entitled to a free upgrade?


          Hi there

          The last order of Actinic 6 from me was late March. However, I paid for it 30 days on invoice, after 14th April. Am I therefore entitled to a free upgrade?
          I would suggest to have a chat with Sales on 0845 129 4800

          Kind Regards
          Nadeem Rasool
          SellerDeck Development


            Thanks for the input. I have one more question if anyone can answer it. The company has put the decision of upgrading into my lap, but we have only had the software for nine or so months and the higher ups are not too keen on throwing down more money so soon.

            Anyway, assuming we decide to stick with v.6, when we set up a new site for a customer and get a license for order manager, I am assuming we will receive v.7 of Order Manager. Will v.7 of Order manager work on a site developed with v.6? If no, will v.6 of Order manager still be available for purchase?

            Basically, we design and host sites for customers. We do not want to have anything to do with processing their orders, so we require them to purchase Order Manager which has not been a problem for any of our customers. I am trying to find a happy medium. If we do not upgrade, I am afraid we are going to have a problem with future customers...



              Hiya .. If you have developer and the cover then you would get a free upgrade if you purchased it with in the last year?

              In which case thats like us so we are going to have 6 and 7 running depending on the sites needs .. This is the advice I was given by Actinic .. Get 7 and do a fresh install make all new sites in 7 and maintain old sites in 6 if client does not want to upgrade .. but get the beta version and list the advantages of upgrading and present clients with it so they have a choice maybe ? ..
              s a b b i e t a g e d


              A wise Monkey never monkies with another Monkies Monkey ..


                According to the e-mail I received, anyone who purchased after april 14, 2004 will be entitled to a free upgrade.


                  When you buy Developer it includes one year of cover, so you should be covered by that.

                  Maybe the email was misleading.


                  First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling




                    I think that applys to ppl who dont have developer and the cover .. We bought our software in Jan Developer version with cover which i think worked out around £1700 .. So this means we get upgrades for a year and as far as I can tell you then pay a yearly fee around £400 for cover which then entiles you to upgrades in the future .. maybe somebody else could clarify this ? ..
                    s a b b i e t a g e d


                    A wise Monkey never monkies with another Monkies Monkey ..



                      What you describe is entirely correct.


                        And that's in Europe. I think the US doesn't automatically include cover in the price for developer.


                        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


