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Search Results page header

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    Search Results page header

    I'm constantly being befuddled by some of the obtuse links in the Actinic templates. This is one I've wasted far too much time on.

    In the search results page, the header guide will not show the "view cart" button, but insists on showing the "sections" button, even though I removed that option. I blanked out the sections entry in the template options, and that helped, but I still cannot get the "view cart" button to display on that page. It does display on every other page.

    I also want to put a graphic header on the search results page.

    The search results template starts out with:

    Results HTML begin
    Add Results Page header HTML here

    Removing either of these lines has no effect on the search results header, and there is no option for a headerguide in the rest of the page (just one table, really). Altering the search page header template has no effect on this page.

    I have searched through the manuall, and the forums here in length, and the advanced user guide PDF, and the "designing with Actinic" PDF.


    Any advise? There are no links to a separate search results header template in the template manager or the design options. I'm left with opening every template in the site folder, and altering files willy-nilly until I hit something that registers. I've done that once before, and will not do it again.

    What should be a 2-day design job is turning into a 2 week ordeal. Hopefully this has come up before.


    My advice would be to bin the header guides altogether and hard code the links. This way you can maintain the look and feel of your site throughout.

    There are certain things to be weary of when doing this however. For instance if you are using a login function on your site you need to use a different (more complicated) URL than if you were not. ie directing it through a perl script.

    The main advantage of hard coding your links is that you can make it look however you want and you dont get any of the changable links that the header guide gives you. The downside is that if you are designing the site for a client, and the client then wishes to add a brochure page to the site, or makes a change to one of the page names they will need to know how to change the link on the templates.

    Drop us an e-mail if you need any more help with hard coding your links etc (if indeed you decide to go down that particular road)


    Nick Smith
    Web Developer
    extrinsica Limited


      Alrighty, so, say I want to hardcode my header.

      How do I remove the header from the search results page?

      Where is the header for this page?


        The header for the search results page is either inserted by the 'Overall Layout' template - usually called Act_Primary.html or by the 'Header' template - called 'Act_Header.html'.

        This depends on what theme you are using.

        If you are using any of the 'Specific Designs (NonCSS)' or 'BusinessCSS' then the navigation bar is likely to come from Act_Header. The relevant variable is 'NETQUOTEVAR:HEADERGUIDE'. If you are using a Clean Layout or one of the 'Specific Designs' it is more likely to be Act_Primary. The variable in this case will be 'NETQUOTEVAR:FOOTERGUIDE'.

        Could you let us know the theme you are using and I can advise further.


          Exactly what chris said.

          If you are using Dreamweaver with the actinic extensions installed then open up the template you are using. You should then be able to see exactly where and what NETQUOTEVARs are being used. Remove the Footer Guide and Header guide. Then simply hard code your own links.


          Nick Smith
          Web Developer
          extrinsica Limited


            Can you please take a look at the page in question?

            There is no way to remove the header from this page. I do not want to edit the header, as it works perfectly fine in the rest of the store. It's just messed up on this one page.

            If I could remove the header here and put my own buttons in, that would be for the best.

            Or, if there were a way I could change the search results page to a fresh new page, that would be fine too.

            Please guys, I'm not a moron. I know what the headerguide code is, and I know what the regular primary and headerguide templates are. The problem is that I can't figure out how to remove the header from this page, so I can insert a title and get the buttons.


              BTW, I'm not using Dreamweaver, I'm just editing in Notepad. I don't think it would matter, though, as there are no entries for a headerguide on this page anyway.

              I'm also using the plain Business CSS theme. I figured it would have the least design junk to clear out. The store simply displays in a frame in the site, so I don't need any site navigation in there, just store navigation.


                What you need to do is the following...

                1) Open Act_Header.html and copy the entire contents of it to the clipboard.

                2) Open Act_Primary.html and locate NETQUOTEVAR:HEADER. This is the variable that is normally replaced by the contents of Act_Header. Comment out this variable so it reads <!-- NETQUOTEVAR:HEADER -->.

                3) Paste the contents of Act_Header.html just under this comment.

                4) Replace NETQUOTEVAR:HEADERGUIDE in the pasted code with NETQUOTEVAR:FOOTERGUIDE.

                That should do it.


                  That doesn't seem to do anything.

                  Let's boil this down a little more.

                  What I really want to do is control the layout of the Search results page a little more. I want a little more control over which buttons it shows (because it's not showing the right ones), and I want to insert a header graphic on that page.

                  On the other section pages, I have a header on the top left, and the headerguide buttons immediately to the right, on the same line.

                  There is no option for a search results header in the template manager, so I want to remove the header includes on that page and hard code my own layout on the top.

                  Is there no way to remove the includes from the search results page?


                    There are no 'includes' in the search results page. The bulk of the page comes from 'Act_ResultsTemplate.html'. This template is then inserted in place of NETQUOTEVAR:BULK in the overall layout template (normally called 'Act_Primary.html').

                    There is no way to specify exactly what happens in this particular page. Actinic just takes the Default Overall Layout Template (Act_Primary.html) and then sticks Act_ResultsTemplate.html into it.

                    Having done some more tests I see that, for whatever reason, Actinic hides the 'View Cart' link when viewing the search results page. However, it is possible to use 'NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBCART' to insert a 'View Cart' link that will work in the search results page.

                    I suggest you replace NETQUOTEVAR:FOOTERGUIDE (in Act_Primary) with a selection of the following variables i norder to insert exactly the buttons you want:

                    Search button	NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBSEARCH
                    Checkout button	NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBCHECKOUT
                    Cart button	NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBCART
                    Email button	NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBMAIL
                    SiteMap button	NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBSITEMAP
                    Info button	NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBINFO
                    Up button		NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBUP
                    Back button (new)	NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBBACK
                    Catalog button	NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBCATALOG
                    Home button	NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBHOME
                    Login Button	NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBLOGIN


                      If you have graphics for your links please add LINK at the end of the NQV's

                      ie NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBCARTLINK
                      Last edited by garyhay; 12-Jul-2004, 09:09 AM. Reason: mADE A MISTAKE
                      Owner of a broken heart

