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Small HTML question

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    Small HTML question

    I am installing a live chat system on our website that needs a small java script inserting, once this is done a little "Click for live chat" picture is displayed for the customer to request this.

    I want to have it displayed after every product description or under every product image, the code i need to insert is below.

    Could someone help me out with what pages from the template to insert this to and where.

    Thanks in advance

    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
    <!-- Hide from old browsers
    function newscreen4() {"","talk","width=300,height=350,resizable=no,scrollbars=auto")
    // Stop hiding from old browsers -->
    Stamp = new Date();
    year = Stamp.getYear();
    document.write('<A HREF="" TARGET="talk" onclick="newscreen4()"><img src="'+Stamp+'" border=0></a>');

    The template that controls the product layout can be controlled at the product, page and catalog level.

    to edit that templates, open a product dialogue page (double click on a product) and go to the 'general' tab. You'll see the product layout being used and can edit it by clicking the 'edit' button. (you may just be using a default layout in which case you'll find it by going to design>options->layouts and then click the 'edit' button beside the 'default product layout' or look at the layout options for the section/page.

    If you want to place it under the image, then look for the line that says NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTIMAGE and place the code after that. You may need to insert a couple of <BR> tags to get it underneath rather than to the side of the image. Just try and see what works.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Stunning, works a treat.

