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Standalone still not working

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    Standalone still not working

    Having followed the AUG to the letter including all the tests (sucessfull) including running perlscripts from the command line

    (on Windows XP)

    I still cannot get the standalone version to work.

    I have tried warFTP current ver and the older 1.65, and tried the settings as in the AUG and as suggested by Norman for the older version

    I have added the NT registry entries (no difference)- to change from localmachine to currentuser and vica-verca

    I have tried every reference to the Perl.exe in network settings
    (Test works fine)

    I have edited the apache config file as directed
    (including the :
    AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
    AddHandler cgi-script .pl
    AddHandler cgi-script .pm
    as suggested on the ActivePerl site on "configuring ActivePerl to work under Apache"
    then tried it with the handles removed

    the perl instalation is the current
    ActivePerl with the recomended patch (ActivePerl

    and all i get on actinic "refresh" is the error
    "Perl Command Line Interpreter has encountered a problem and needs to close" from the OS
    attached (pic)

    and then the Actinic error "A server error occurred while attempting to merge server files. 500 - Internal Server Error"
    (something up with the perl path)

    I have spent hours trying to debug this behavior from all angles

    and the only thing to note is that the uploaded cgi bin is that when I connect to the cgi-bin with cuteFTP is that the CHMOD appers to be 777 for both acatalog and cgi-bin (regardless of the warFTP settings being aplied - as Norman suggests)
    and also that the headers in the files (.pm) have not changed to the local instalation[C:/Perl/bin/perl.exe] rather are still usr/bin/perl....unlike the headers in the .pl files which have changed correctly

    I need a standalone to test, because the clients site is now live and inapropriate as a test enviromnment

    I note that all the threads on this subject are moderatly old....
    and I wonder if there avebeen recent changes in the perl distribution that bug Actinic out.

    Has anybody had a sucessfull standalone on XP with the current Perl & Apache & warFTP ?

    any help would be much appreciated

    Attached Files

    I built a new system today (Apache 1.3 flavour - I've not used Apache 2) and followed the AUG and it's all working without problems.

    The header line in the .pm files is irrelevant I think. These files are included in other files so that line isn't used.

    Have you got a cgi-bin off of the htdocs directory? That's where the AUG recommends it. You also need these lines modified in httpd.conf

        ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "C:/Apache/htdocs/cgi-bin/"
        # "C:/Apache/cgi-bin" should be changed to whatever your ScriptAliased
        # CGI directory exists, if you have that configured.
        <Directory "C:/Apache/htdocs/cgi-bin">
            AllowOverride None
            Options None
            Order allow,deny
            Allow from all
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Hi Norman..

      File positions are:

      Apache 2

      [apache config]
      DocumentRoot "C:/Usr/Simon/Work/Apache_Local_pages"

      scriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "C:/Usr/Simon/Work/Apache_Local_pages/cgi-bin/"

      <Directory "C:/Usr/Simon/Work/Apache_Local_pages/cgi-bin">
      AllowOverride None
      Options None
      Order allow,deny
      Allow from all

      I do a lot of PHP & mySQL work and I find the apache 2 very stable, (have been running a standalone apache server [of varous flavours] for a couple of years now)

      I can see your point about the .pm files ("require" overriding the headers as an include)

      and whilst the cgi-bin is a sibling of the acatalog folder rather than
      at the parent level, to my mind this should have little impact.. unless- god forbid - paths are hard coded in Actinic (say bye-bye to generic encapsulation)

      I will try altering the structure to add the htdocs folder layer..and report back ; However I think I know the answer to that one already

      What gets me, is the fact that a 500 error is usualy the perl path,
      yet when you check [test] the network settings in Actinic the two Actinic temp test .pl files work fine and no error issues forth...
      Presumably meaning the perl is working fine.

      This is why I wonder if the current version of ActivePerl is incompatable with the Actinic code.

      I can find litttle or no mention on the web of the
      "Perl Command Line Interpreter has encountered a problem and needs to close"
      in relationship to anything, which suggests to me (by inferance) that this is a fairly rare occurance (normaly if you post up an error message you will get a mirriad of hits)

      I do not think it is a missing Perl module (MD5 perhaps) - because
      Actinic appears to draw the relevant code from other files ( etc) and it would be a fairly fundimental ommission from the AUG if the instalation of such a module where ommited.

      Also the AUG appears to show a different warFTP release from
      the one that others have got to work succesfully (1.65)

      I am concerned about the CHMOD issue ;- but reason that if Actinic has not even reached the stage where it attempts to set the folder and file permissions, it is for the moment irrelvant:-
      I base this on the assumption that it should work since the warFTP login it is using has full permisions to admin all files and folders, and I am using the settings you and others have specified.
      [warFTP folder settings: (1.65)
      [User ] C:\Usr\Simon\Work\Apache_Local_pages\cgi-bin : Delete Execute List Read Write
      RH[User ] C:\Usr\Simon\Work\Apache_Local_pages : Delete List Read Write Maps to rootdir + Applies for subdirs.]

      I would like to try the (exact) same setup as you have - or at least confirm that we are both using the same version of ActivePerl and warFTP with exactly the same settings...

      The other concern that I have is that this is a perl/ XP os issue
      (see threading concerns on the instalation of the mod_perl for Apache)
      and the warning from Jarle Aase that warFTP "is not supported" under XP....

      My guess on this whole lot is that either :
      I am doing something incredibly stupid (in which case I will look very red faced as a professional programmer) because I cant see the wood for the trees
      the standalone instructions needs to be re-addressed in relationship to new software releases and or system requirements

      in fact after tinkering for a while I have made maters worse (deleting the acatalog and cgi-bin then recreating them in dreamweaver makes the file permissions totaly unsetable in XP)

      I originaly did the setup by doing a straight FTP of the cgi-bin and the acatalog folder from the clients site and then trying to do an update from within Actinic....

      and now Actinc falls over on the network test......"actinic cant set permisions for acatalog"

      I may have to blow it all away and start again to get the network test to work again including working with warFTP 1.8 (Current) to see if I can get back to where I was before....

      I can feel myself slowly sinking into the mire here :-)

      Any advice is much appreciated



        Just to confirm, I have set up an XP machine with the standalone server and it has worked fine. I also always use the latest Perl and Apache versions as they become available just to make sure of avoiding issues like yours.

        Could you confirm where you are aiming to put the 'acatalog' directory please?

        You say your cgi-bin is within:


        This means Actinic should be trying to put the 'acatalog' folder within:


        It also means that Apache_Local_pages should be the folder you get when you go to http://localhost/ (i.e. your document root). Could you confirm this please? Is 'Apache_Local_pages' in your system the equivalent of the default Apache 'htdocs' folder?

        Also, where is your Apache 'httpd.conf' file stored?

        I have a lot of questions (rather than answers) because your Apache working directory is different than the one in the AUG. It may be that we can never get it working and you may have to think about reinstalling Apache to C:\Apache2 and then having a document root of C:\Apache2\htdocs.


          Originally posted by cdicken
          Just to confirm, I have set up an XP machine with the standalone server and it has worked fine. I also always use the latest Perl and Apache versions as they become available just to make sure of avoiding issues like yours.

          Could you confirm where you are aiming to put the 'acatalog' directory please?

          You say your cgi-bin is within:



          This means Actinic should be trying to put the 'acatalog' folder within:



          It also means that Apache_Local_pages should be the folder you get when you go to http://localhost/ (i.e. your document root). Could you confirm this please? Is 'Apache_Local_pages' in your system the equivalent of the default Apache 'htdocs' folder?


          Also, where is your Apache 'httpd.conf' file stored?

          C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\conf\

          I have a lot of questions (rather than answers) because your Apache working directory is different than the one in the AUG. It may be that we can never get it working and you may have to think about reinstalling Apache to C:\Apache2 and then having a document root of C:\Apache2\htdocs.

          realy just to carify (+ not egg sucking :-)):
          is the Apache root where documents are served from (in 'httpd.conf)
          (in httpd.conf)
          is the Actinic catalog position.
          Access from:

          there "should" be no technical diference from the default Apache 'htdocs' folder since Apache only references anything
          below root... (once in the httpd.conf)

          I may have to do a reinstall to the default (all it is is a copy and paste of all the files below C:\Usr\Simon\Work\Apache_Local_pages)

          But I fail to see how (or why) this could affect Actinic (since all my other PHP and CGI and mySQL stuff works fine...) unless there are hard coded paths in Actinic.... we have 2 sites deployed - one sits under htdocs another under httpdocs :- so i would have thought the folder above cgi-bin and acatalog was transparent to actinc.....

          thanks for lending an ear Chris :-)


            unless there are hard coded paths in Actinic....
            No - Actinic works fine on any number of server setups. The problem is probably some conflict between all the different things on your PC which, unfortunately, we are unable to provide support for.

            Do you have a 'clean' machine that you could try a default install on - just to show it does work?


              Originally posted by cdicken
              No - Actinic works fine on any number of server setups. The problem is probably some conflict between all the different things on your PC which, unfortunately, we are unable to provide support for.

              Do you have a 'clean' machine that you could try a default install on - just to show it does work?
              The Pc was bought three weeks ago; and ony has what I need to
              work with on an every day basis

              Macromedia (Flash,Dreamweaver)

              I will be trying an install from apache default....

