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Removing USA as a shipping destination

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    Removing USA as a shipping destination

    I have deleted the zone i made for the USA as we can no longer ship there at this time. However at the checkout i can still select USA from the list and the State / Province box is also still available.

    Im sure i have just overlooked something simple but i cannot for the life of me think what.

    Hi David

    How did you go about removing USA?

    The way we do it is to define the zones we wish to ship to on the shipping and handling tab within Business settings. Under the payments and security tab we have 'limited by location' unchecked. This works for us

    Hope that helps



      Not quite what i was looking for but it might have to do.

      Originaly i didnt have USA defined in "Shipping" and the few USA orders we had just used the "None of the above" option when checking out.

      I added USA as a defined shipping band and that added a State / Provice box upon checking out. Now i have removed that shipping band as i no longer need it, yet "USA" still appears in the country selection upon checkout as does the State / Provice box.

      Any more ideas??


        Check you haven't selected the USA in any of your tax zones in 'Business Settings | Tax', and you haven't added it into one of your payment zones in 'Business Settings | Payment and Security'.

        If it is still there, I would recommend deleting all the *.fil files from your 'Site1' folder on your PC and from the 'acatalog' folder online. Then do a 'Web | Refresh Website'. This will fix it, but your store will be unavailable during the refresh.


          I did the complete site refresh this morning after deleting all the .fil files from my sites1 folder and /acatalog/ on the website, however you can still choose United States and a State / Province at the checkout... i have checked both Business Settings | Tax and Business Settings | Shipping and Security and neither contain any details for the United States , would deleting United States from Advanced | Locations do the job, is it easy to put it back at a later date?

          Thanks in Advance


            Sorted it, must have been a temp internet file on my pc, clearing them and trying again has sorted the problem.


