Hi all
We're linking a client's product pages to an external site with a stock database so that shoppers can view the stock availibility of an item in a pop-up window.
Linking to the external database is quite straight forward - all we do is add NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTREF to the relevant link code in the product template and Actinic generates a full URL to the external DB with the correct product code in the link.
The problem is that a lot of the client's products have spaces in the product reference and the above NQV interprets this as and includes this in the link. Unfortunately, the external DB doesn't like - It wants to see an actual space in the product code.
i.e. A product ref of "ABC 123" should appear as such and not as "ABC 123"
Any suggestions on how we can get NQV:ProductRef to not insert into the link?
We're linking a client's product pages to an external site with a stock database so that shoppers can view the stock availibility of an item in a pop-up window.
Linking to the external database is quite straight forward - all we do is add NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTREF to the relevant link code in the product template and Actinic generates a full URL to the external DB with the correct product code in the link.
The problem is that a lot of the client's products have spaces in the product reference and the above NQV interprets this as and includes this in the link. Unfortunately, the external DB doesn't like - It wants to see an actual space in the product code.
i.e. A product ref of "ABC 123" should appear as such and not as "ABC 123"
Any suggestions on how we can get NQV:ProductRef to not insert into the link?