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Site Import Query

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    Site Import Query

    We are running catalog on two machines, one for site maintenance, the other processing orders. We now want to restore both processes to one machine. This should be a fairly straightforward task of importing a snapshot of the site maintenance catalog into the order processing machine WITHOUT overwriting orders, then taking a new snapshot of the up to date order processing maching and importing that snapshot onto the site maintenance machine OVERWRITING orders.
    I have never done this before and as the site contains 3 years worth of orders and over 3,000 products can someone please just confirm that this is the correct procedure, and is there anything else (apart from a database backup) that I need to know or do before carrying out this nerve racking procedure?


    What you describe is spot on. That's exactly what you need to do.

    As long as you take a snapshot of both sites before doing the transfer then you will be fine.

    When importing the products into your order processing machine, keep a keen eye out for the checkbox that says 'overwrite orders on target installation' - make sure that is not selected.


      Many thanks cdicken. Confirmation is a relief. I shall definitely take a snapshot of both machines before starting.
      All the best

