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Maximum Quantity Problem?

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    Maximum Quantity Problem?

    I am getting an error on my products page whenever you set the quantity to more than one. The page gives the error "The maximum quantity allowed to be ordered for this product is 1." We want to allow customers to order as many as they want. I am using Actinic Dev. We import all of our products from quickbooks, the product levels are all over 100 and the warn and suspend options are set to 5 and 2? Mainly I need to know where actinic sets the maximum quantity option??

    i had the same problem

    The maximum quantity allowed to be ordered for this product is 1.

    Hi Jamison I had the same problem see the text from my post below, hope it helps you

    Quantities-i cant sell more than 1
    Hi, i have set up my online store but i am having trouble with the quanties of products, if you go to buy more than 1 it wont let you, where am i going wrong? it keeps saying that i have set the quantity to one but im not sure what i have done. please feel free to check out my site any constructive critiscms and comments are welcomed, its still under development and we havent advertised it yet so our customers are unaware that it exists as of yet!

    thanks for any help




    Open up one of your products, make sure the advanced tab open, then look on the general tab. Make sure you have the maximum qty set to 0, and not 1. 0 is the system default for infinity or maximum.

    Hope this helps.



      Open up one of your products, make sure the advanced tab open, then look on the general tab. Make sure you have the maximum qty set to 0, and not 1. 0 is the system default for infinity or maximum.
      Also go to 'Business Settings | Ordering' and ensure 'Order Quantity Always One' is not selected.



        That Worked!!! Thanks!!!!

