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popups halt parent page loading

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    popups halt parent page loading

    Appologies if this has already been covered elsewhere but I've noticed that clicking on an extended-info popup link stops the parent page from finishing loading...

    If you have a page with say 10 products on it and you click on the extended-info button for the first product before the images for the remaining products have finished loading, the images never get loaded.

    So if a potential customer clicked on an extended-info button as above and then closed the popup window and went back to the main page, they may find that lots of the products don't have images. A refresh of the page will obviously solve the problem but the visitor won't necessarily be aware that the images should be there in the first place.

    I'm told that the problem can be resolved by returning the correct value from the javascript call but my knowledge of javascript isn't yet good enough to fix the problem myself.

    Any comments?

    You are indeed correct - I've never noticed that before. I will have to ask the development team about this one (unless anyone here has any ideas in the interim...)


      In the extended template, add


      Just after window.close(); so it reads:

      document.write('<A HREF="javascript:window.close();opener.location.reload(true);">NETQUOTEVAR:CLOSELABEL</A>');


        Thanks Chris. I'll give that a whirl.
        Will this be made to be the default for future releases of Catalog?


          Will this be made to be the default for future releases of Catalog?
          Yes it will.


            Not working for me

            I also noticed the original problem with popups. I have pasted the reload code above into the Act_ExtendedInfo.html template. Also into some other popup windows I created.

            My product image/Extended info page still does not reload the parent page. (There is an If else routine in the code, what happens if the else part is not executed?)

            My other windows without the if else code but just the window.close ....reload(true) etc as above means they do reload (very slowly) even if the parent page was complete. I have checked through this many times and not sure where to go next. My knowledge of javascript is almost zero so any answers must be suitable for beginners.




              (There is an If else routine in the code, what happens if the else part is not executed?)
              Where is this code please? In the pop-up window or in the main page.

              It sounds as if the reload code is not really benefitting you a great deal. If I were you I would just leave it out.


                The if/else code is in the Act_ExtendedInfo.html. I have resolved one problem. I needed the extra reload code in the Act_ExtendedInfoImageAbove.html file ,obvious late night error. However the reload cure and the time to reload original, after each close window ( it doesn't work if the Windows x is used to exit) is it almost worse than the parent page not loading when popup is clicked on. I guess most customers will wait for the parent page to load before clicking images.

                However this seems a major inherant bug in Actinic V6. Other online shops don't seem to have this problem. The possible cure would be to not allow popups before the parent page has fully loaded. Is this possible anyone?? It's way beyond my knowledge.


                  Is this possible anyone??
                  I haven't been able to think of a way to do this. Any thoughts anyone?


                    Revisiting an old subject

                    Sorry to open this again, but this still seems to be an issue? I've checked some of the example sites from and they still cause the parent pages to stop loading when a pop up is clicked.

                    This causes problems for users of my site, as we have many images on one page (not really an issue in itself).

                    Has anybody found an easy way of getting around this? Or am I wrong in thinking that Actinic haven't fixed it yet?



                      Hi Darren,

                      Did you try Chris fix in

                      Did that not work?

                      Kind Regards
                      Nadeem Rasool
                      SellerDeck Development


                        A workaround

                        Hi Nadeem,

                        I don't think the work around is a very good solution - the page reloads every single time.

                        This means that if someone is halfway down the page, they will be reloaded to the top of the page. Considering the common use of broadband allowing more and more rich content within websites, I really think that this a major problem with Actinic. Does the new version have anything that solves the problem?

                        Is there no other way?


                          Hi there

                          The new version (7.0.3) has this implemented, which is then you click on the popup, the parent page reloads.

                          I'm afraid there is no other way.

                          Kind Regards
                          Nadeem Rasool
                          SellerDeck Development


                            Just a bit of background here - standard behaviour in web browsers seems to be that when focus shifts to a new window launched from the main window (e.g. when a popup is fired) the main (parent) window will stop loading. This means that the images within the main page will not load any further.

                            So the choice we had was either to simply allow parent pages to stop loading, or else reload the page behind the pop-up window in order to enxure that the main page will be fully loaded once the browser has finished with the contents of the pop-up window.


                              Reloading parent page!!

                              Is there any way to keep the positioning of the pop up page?

                              By clicking on the extended info pop-up box, the parent page is now reloading, and forcing the customer back to the top of the page.!!

                              This is awful !

                              Hope a fix is possible ??


