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Samples and Minimum Order

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    Samples and Minimum Order

    Good Morning Everybody,

    We sell tartan cloth by the metre. We generally have a minimum order of 2 metres. However, we also want to be able to supply a swatch or sample.

    Using components causes layout problems and other bugs that are not yet fixed.

    We could set the price to 'price per ten cms ' and charge the sample as 1 cm which would be fine. However the general minimum order would be 200 cms. Therefore we want to change to allow an order of 1 but not 2-199. This would have to be restricted to only the relevant products.

    One thought is to have a code that picks up the min order value of 200 and allows an exception of 1 for this case only. Therefore any products with a min order of 200 would be treated this way.

    Another thought is to type in S which could be picked up here

    elsif ($nQuantity =~ /\D/ || # if there are any non-digits in the quantity
    $nQuantity < $nMinQuantity || # or the quantity is not >= min quantity
    ($nMaxQuantity != 0 && # or ( the quantity ordered is more than the quantity allowed)
    $nQuantity > $nMaxQuantity) )

    Is this viable? If so does anyone know exactly where and what we would change?

    Many thanks,


    Have you considered adding the sample swatch as separate products (with no length)



      If you sell in two metre lengths why does your site show 1 as the default length?

      Hard to believe you are selling all these tartans without a photo of each type, it may take a while to do but then you would not have to bother with Sample swatches of each tartan

      I think you would be better making each of the Clans a section and then the four types of cloth shown as products along with a picture of the cloth

      Pictures are the best selling feature about web based sites and without them you would expect to loose significant sales, would you spoend say £100 on two metres of cloth and not have any idear of what it looks like

      Hope this is not to distructive but just a personal view
      Chris Ashdown


        This and That

        Have you considered adding the sample swatch as separate products (with no length)
        Stephen, We have , but with say six tartans on a page we would need up to six swatch products - making a large page.

        If you sell in two metre lengths why does your site show 1 as the default length?
        Chris, I think I must have undone that in a bulk update!. Some mills have a minimum order and we have to reflect that. At present we don't want to restrict sales so I shall leave it at that as an experiment. We will see how it goes but we may need to change this later.

        An alternative is ro set a min order value but that would cause problems with swatches.

        Hard to believe you are selling all these tartans without a photo of each type, it may take a while to do but then you would not have to bother with Sample swatches of each tartan
        Agreed. I have been trying to get a dynamic image working. Norman's code works with radio buttons. However with the choices we have that is not possible on the tartan cloths page. I was reluctant to use pop ups. I think these are useful, but some people don't like them. I have got round this by creating a dynamic page with asp and a back end database. This is at

        I think you would be better making each of the Clans a section and then the four types of cloth shown as products along with a picture of the cloth
        I agree. I have been working on this. We have Tartan products for something like 300 clans. These start with the cloths - four different mills, each producing different weights and widths with up to a dozen diffeent setts for various types of MacDonald. Add in the Kilt range, etc and it means about 4,000 products.

        I am developing a backend generator to do this but it is taking a while. It may be simpler to use asp pages and link to the existing products. If I was going to do this I would want to pass the tartan cloth selected to the product page. Is there a way of capturing that info with a customvar. In fact could I use the asp page to pass all the required order info staright to the cart? Passing the information from asp is not a problem. How do I get Actinic to read it?

        I am very appreciative of your feedback and would welcome any more. We are offering our "commodoties" such as Tartan Cloth from the main mills at very competitive prices - we don't have the retail premise overheads. We also offer a range of products like hand made ebony dirks that are very difficult to find outside the most expensive jewellers. Not sure that we are getting this message across.

        Many thanks,



          Follow up

          You set me thinking.

          I have added a swatch order to each mill page. That is only one product per mill page and as we charge a nominal sum for the swatch it is not a price that varies with the cloth. An attribute specifies what cloth (determines weight) and we prompt for the tartan name. Hopefully the customer will get this right. If we are uncler we can always verify before sending.

          On the I have put a hyperlink (p48 Taking People Straight to a Product) that takes them back to the catalog.

          One question. Ideally I would like the other info prompt filled at this stage from the info on the Tartan Finder page. Any ideas?

          Many thanks for the spark. This old engine sometimes doesn't fire on all cylinders.


