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Single Add to Cart

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    Single Add to Cart

    Hi all,

    I hope someone can help me with this frustrating problem.

    When I select 'Single Add to Cart' to either an individual section or to the whole catalog, the 'Single' button does not display anywhere on the page.

    I had created a new custom product layout and thought the problem was something I had missed on the template but I switched a section back to the default Actinic templates and it still doesn't show up. The Act_ProductBody template looks ok and all the relevant code is there.

    Has anyone got any ideas or solutions? I would be very grateful

    For reference here is a link -

    Kind regards


    Wierd, that page resolves OK under Mozilla (Netscape) but IE6.

    There must be some open HTML tags that are confusing things.

    A quick look at that saved page in Dreamweaver shows up 2 sets of out of place <TBODY> and </TBODY> tags. Actinic doesn't use TBODY tags so I guess some HTML editor has added them in.

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      You're right Norman,

      I have just viewed the page in Mozilla & Netscape and it works

      I'm even more confused now!

      I'm trying to think of all the templates that have been modified.
      Act_Primary, Act_ProductBody, Act_CartButtonImage & Act_ProductLine_Mainproduct and Act_ProductLineCompact, which are custom templates. Haven't spotted any obvious errors in them.




        Just do what I did. View the page in IE6, use IE's Save as / Web page complete to save to disk, then open that saved page in Dreamweaver and you'll see the erronous <TBODY> tags highlighted in yellow.

        Alternatively search Act_Primary, etc for <TBODY>.

        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Thanks Norman,

          I have searched the entire Site 1 folder and the <TBODY> tag did
          show up but it was in the Act_BrochurePrimary. I have removed it but as expected, it has not corrected the error.

          Apparently, there are no other <TBODY> tags anywhere within the Actinic folder on my local machine.

          Any other ideas?

          Kind regards



            I've been poring over your code and have drawn a blank. You need to try swapping all your product templates for original Actinic product templates and see if that looks better. If it does then the problem is in your customised product layout template somewhere.

            Of that does not turn up anything then try the same with your customised overall layout template (primary template), and also your Act_ProductBody.html template (grab an original, untouched, one from the 'Formats\Themes\BusinessCSS' folder - backing up your customised one first).

            Use this method to isolate the problem.


              The TBODY tags may be getting added by IE6 when I did a Save as / Web page complete, so they may be a bit of a red herring.

              However they do show that you've got some badly nested TABLE tags in there somewhere.

              When I edit your page source with Dreamweaver the product Form (DW shows it in dotted red) and the products are not correctly nested.

              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                Thanks for your help guys.

                I have tried the method Chris suggested yesterday and have seemed to isolate the problem with the Act_ProductBody. When I use the default Actinic template the 'add selection' button appears again.

                As far as I remember, the only code I changed in the template was to remove the cell padding. Could this cause the problem?

                I will have a closer look at the template today and report back with my findings.

                Kind regards



                  Hi guys,

                  It seems as if the Act_ProductBody template was somehow corrupted. I basically made the same changes as I did last time and the 'single add to cart' has appeared.

                  Click here to view -

                  One final question,
                  I appear to have picked up a horizontal rule from somewhere.
                  Does anyone know what has generated this? It is definatley not in the Act_ProductBody template.

                  Kind regards



                    If you regenerate that page with Design / Options / Misc.. / Compact HTML/CGI unchecked then that will put HTML commets around all your code so you can view the generated source and see where it's coming from.

                    Don't forget to re-check Compact HTML/CGI afterwards as it makes you pages much bigger if you leave it unchecked.

                    Norman -
                    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                      Thanks Norman,

                      I have viewed the page with the added generated comments and have found that the <HR> tag seems to be generated by the Act_ProductBody.

                      Deeper than that, when I take out the NETQUOTEVAR:SINGLEADD variable it also takes out the unwanted <HR> tag.

                      This led me on to examine the Act_SingleCartButton template but there is obviously very little code in there -

                      <!-- SingleCartButton HTML begin -->
                      <!-- This template is used for the single add to cart button. -->
                      <!-- This template is used for the single add to cart button. -->
                      <!-- SingleCartButton HTML end -->

                      I feel like I am getting closer to the problem but the solution has still not been found.

                      Kind regards



                        It's in Design | Text. Click 'Go to' and go to prompt ID '2282'.


                          Thanks Chris,

                          That has got rid of it!

                          I can honestly say that everyone would be using Actinic Version 18.1 before I would have found that.

                          Thanks again.

                          Kind regards


