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Prompt field too large!

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    Prompt field too large!


    Anyone know if there is a way to control the SIZE property of the input field when including a Prompt for text - Like the Bunch of Flowers in the demo.

    It seems to insist on being SIZE="60" which breaks my new templates!!

    Any help gratefully received!

    Alec Moss
    Business Webpage Ltd
    Web Design
    Starter Websites

    Go to Design / Text / Go to / Phase -1, ID 2161 and you'll see

    %s<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="%s" SIZE="%d" MAXLENGTH="%d" VALUE="%s" %s>

    Replace this with

    %s<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="%s" SIZE="30" dummy="%d" MAXLENGTH="%d" VALUE="%s" %s>

    Where the 30 is whatever you require.

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Wow - never been there before...

      You are an absolute mine of information!

      I never stumbled across the phase, ID thing.... is there a map of these somewhere?

      I'm impressed with the flexibility of Actinic in it's default form - what more does developer provide?

      I'm still struggling to work out whether it is possible to make my (custom) mouseover state to stick on the shop pages - any ideas?

      oops - just tried your suggestion for the input field size - and actinic gives me an error when trying to generate the site for preview... I doubled checked the entry as:-

      %s<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="%s" SIZE="30" MAXLENGTH="%d" VALUE="%s" %s>

      Works fine (although too large) with %d

      Alec Moss
      Business Webpage Ltd
      Web Design
      Starter Websites


        You have to have that dummy="%d" in as well.

        These %d and %s bits are part of a format string so you must have the correct number of parameters in the correct sequence. The dummy="%s" will replace the size parameter by substituting it with a bit of harmless fake HTML.

        %s<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="%s" SIZE="30" dummy="%d" MAXLENGTH="%d" VALUE="%s" %s>

        Best use my line exactly as I typed it above and change the 30 to whatever you want.

        As to all these parameters. There's some documentation at the back of the Advanced Guide (download from Actinic) but most of my knowledge comes from poking around over the last 4 years or so.

        However I didn't remember that it was ID 2161, I just searched for "maxlength" and there it was.


        PS if you look on you'll find a big patch I did that implemets multiple other info prompts, allows optional and mandatory fields, and also lets you limit the size, style and amount enterable in those fields.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Thanks Norman

          If only I had read FULLY what you advised in the first place, it would have worked fine. RTFM!

          I read with interest you page detailing some mods that you have available. We implement Actinic for commercial clients so will bear these is mind when specifying new work.

          Thanks again!

          Alec Moss
          Business Webpage Ltd
          Web Design
          Starter Websites


            Glad that things are working again.

            I've got a huge library of other mods (over 100 readme's when I last looked) but I don't dare release them for general consumption as I'd get swamped by support requests.

            I am just about to release a new one that implements Upsell Products which will fit in very nicely with V7's Product Replication capability.

            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

