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Creating packing lists

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    Creating packing lists

    Is it possible to create a 'pick & pack' list for a number of orders. It would be very useful to select a number of orders and then generate a list of all the products needed to fulfil those - would save a lot of time with stockpicking. I realise that the 'reports' do this, but only for orders in a date range - I'd like something more specific.

    The 'Outstanding Products List' does do this. It prints a list of all the products ordered in the latest batch of orders.


      Thanks, but was I'm looking for is a report that generates a list broken down by attributes eg;
      2x grommits, large, red
      3x grommits small, blue
      5x dodads, large, green
      It would be great to give a single piece of paper to someone who can grab all the items from our storage area, rather than having to manually create a consolidated list.


        I do something similar to this in excel.

        The macro is fairly straightforward. It imports 7 columns from the order details (the sequence number, product reference, 4 quantity values (see following info) and the product description.

        Then for each product it takes the 'quanity ordered' minus 'quantity shipped' minus 'quantity cancelled' minus 'quantity backordered' and if greater than zero adds that many of the items to a list of open items for picking.

        The macro is buried in a sequence of other macros that run my stock control system or I'd share it with you.

        I am thinking of producing a number of smaller excel macros that just query the database for producing reports like this. There are a number of reports that Actinic should do but don't. Another good example of this is a monthly sales report by order number or date/time.


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


