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Not passing details to Secure Trading

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    Not passing details to Secure Trading


    Im trying to set up Secure Trading, yet actinic isnt passing the vars to the secure trading form as im expecting it to - through the query string

    the form generated is POSTing the vars and so giving me the following error:

    There was an error processing your transaction

    Field $merchant is required
    Any help? Ideas?
    Ive contacted ST but theyre slow on replying.



    so it seems the post/querystring maynot be the prob.

    one thing i have noticed is that the template order form page supplied by ST contains a field called "merchant" and posts ok to the ST script. But the form actinic creates doesnt have this field (it has "merchantid")

    as the script error mentions $merchant not $merchantid i edited the script "" to include the "merchant" field and it worked ok - but there are still other fields whose names do not match up.

    is it adviseable to add/remove other fields?


      Have you definitely told ST that you are using Actinic? It could be they have a special form at their end for Actinic customers. WorldPay do.


        i used the templates found here

        the form fields used in the sample "orderpage.html" dont match the fields generated by actinic on the PSP bounce page, so i went ahead and edited the perl script to create these fields and it now works correctly.

        i also contacted secure trading about this issue. they are looking into it and will update their templates accordingly and have them online as soon as possible.


          Just an update for you all, I too have had this same problem today and it wasn't until I revisited this site and re-contacted ST did they solve it.

          It definetly IS a configuration issue their end.

          And add to that, despite their documentation saying otherwise, you do need a "Secret Key" generated by them and added to your Actinic settings for it work (even in test mode).

          Also, the customisable files link is no longer there, you need to go to:

