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Showing Retail, Discount % and Selling price

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    Showing Retail, Discount % and Selling price


    Im a total newbie with actinic and im trying to configure the site
    to show:

    retail price £100
    discount 20%
    Selling price £80

    I would like to generate this automatically from the retail price.

    does anyone have any suggestions?



    The only way to do it automatically would be to write some java script probably, that took the price and did the calculation for you, which then output it.

    Easy way, but longer way is to create some custom properties called discount, and retail, and then populate these manually at each products custom property level, which including the customvar pointers into the productline template where you want it shown.

    An idea maybe..


      Originally posted by lloydamo

      Im a total newbie with actinic and im trying to configure the site
      to show:

      retail price £100
      discount 20%
      Selling price £80

      I would like to generate this automatically from the retail price.

      does anyone have any suggestions?


      Was there ever an answer to this question in detail? I am looking to do the same thing. I would like to show:

      Price: $100.00
      Your price: $75.00

      for all customers logged in or not...

      I have set up a discount for an "All" products group that is triggered on $.01 and gives a reward of %off 25.00, that works perfectly, however I would also like to show the discounted price on the product. Is there some way of retrieving that product price from the cart?

      I have an idea I think, is there a way that I might be able to trick actinic into thinking someone has already logged in?

      I set up a bogus user account {All Customers}, then assign a pricing schedule to that customer that discounts 25% off retail. How can I get Actinic to "think" someone is actually logged in? Is there a variable somewhere that can be set to TRUE for a customer being logged in?

      Isaiah 40:31But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew [their] strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; [and] they shall walk, and not faint.


        Hi there

        The only way i can see this happening, is if you create a customvar within your "Act_Productline.html" template. The customvar will contains discounted price. This will be a manual thing through, i can't see it being automated.
        Something similar to:

        You could contact Sure Solution, who are our distributor in the US and see if they can create a 'plugin' for you. It will be a payed for solution though.

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development


          Yesterday I posted for someone who wanted show an in-store price that was £9 greater than the web-price.

          It would be easy to adapt this to show an in-store retail price instead.
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

