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Credit card surcharge

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    Credit card surcharge

    how can i inclued a credit card surcharge of a percentage on the over all order?


    item1 £?
    item2 £?
    +P&P £?
    + Vat £?
    surcharge (2.5%) £?
    Total £?


    Andrew Crook

    This is available in v7 - from your other posts it looks like you have a demo version of this so please see the main help in v7.

    Go to 'Help | Help Topics' and then navigate to 'Discounts | Creating Surcharges On Payment Methods'.


      Debit V's Credit

      As the surcharge is applied via payment type...

      Any way to apply surcharge to Credit Cards only and not to debit cards?

      I know you could mirror the payment type settings but you needn't be a genius to circumvent that... lest the merchant provider sets up two accounts and restricts the cards accepted per account their side.

      Any input?


        that would be two different setups for a card service like in my post

        i guess you may have to wait like myself for this to be added.

        you can ofcourse include it in to your pricing.



          Following up on the original enquiry, I've had a look at v7's discounting system and it seems that a surcharge can only apply to the "subtotaled" cart value rather than to the total value of the order (ie, cart value plus delivery charge).

          What I'd like to be able to do is apply a surcharge to the entire cost of an order (including delivery). Is this possible?




            If this is correct then this is a serous problem for surcharging esp. if you have multiple surcharges for different payment methods.

            If you have only one surcharge I guess you could work it out for the delivery charges and added it on to them… .....yet that should not be the way you should have to do it?



              Hi Andi,

              That's what I figured, too - increasing delivery charges by 2.5pc across the board. It's a bodge, but it'll work...

              Just as well that we're surcharging all orders (as we're only accepting credit card payment). It'd be a lot more complicated if cheque payment was offered, for instance. Then a cross-board delivery-price increase would mean that cheque payments would attract the delivery surcharge, too!

              I feel a v8 wish-list request coming on!



                ...and we need to be able to duplicate predefined PSP's too!

                Like two WorldPays, two Protex etc so that the credit card surcharge can apply to one and not the other. I've checked with Worldpay, they can install a second "install" for Actinic Cart with a different install id and then restrict each install to accept limited cards such as debit only or credit only.

                Cmon' the Actinic team, we don't want to miss the goal like Beckham!!


                  Many thanks for all your comments.

                  These request has been passed onto the development team for consideration in a future release.

                  I agree that this is a hole in the current functionality, but it may be quite an advanced hole to plug so it won't be available before the next major release.



                    Any update upon activity towards a solution Chris...?

                    Now we have this function, it is a problem and costing money.



                      I'm afraid not - and there probably won't be a solution before the next major release.


                        Solution for WorldPay users...

                        See files att...

                        In /Actinic_Folder/OCCUpgrade overwrite the OCCUpgrade.ini file, you should close Actinic before doing this and may need to increase the version number if there have been releases since this post to ensure install. When you re-open Actinic the upgrade will commence automatically.

                        Then in /Actinic_Folder/OCCUpgrade/CommonOCC save the Worldpay HTML template, this is a new file.

                        Now apply your surcharge rules accordingly and update your site.

                        This has been done only on our V7 Business and I suggest taking back-ups of all original files prior to attempting update. Unless Actinic include in next release post V7.01 you will likely need to redo this task if you install any updates...

                        Attached Files



                          I have re-posted your new question to


                            There's a potentially serious issue, I think, with regard to Catalog not being able to distinguish between a credit and a debit card when it comes to adding a surcharge.

                            Maestro's merchant agreement states that surcharges cannot be levied on Maestro transactions if the items being purchased can be bought without the surcharge by other means.

                            See the "Can a merchant charge me" FAQ.

                            This means that vendors who operate an offline operation via telephone, post or over the counter alongside an online store are contravening their merchant agreement if they want to implement a card surcharge for buying online.

                            Clearly this would not be a problem if Catalog had the facility to surcharge only credit card orders, but as it is, this appears to be a serious flaw.

                            Any thoughts?


                              We recognise this is a problem with the software (although it is better than not being able to surcharge at all) and we are currently looking at ways to improve it - although there will probably not be a fix in the forthcoming maintenance release.

