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Country and Province (State) info lost?

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    Country and Province (State) info lost?

    Hi all.
    New here and looking for a little help.
    (I've dug through the FAQ and previous posts and didn't find any related info.)

    Previously used version 5 of Catalog, and have just upgraded to 6 (Patch 6.02 applied)
    In previous version, when a customer placed an order, they selected country and province (Canada) from a drop down box (right after selecting "add to cart").
    This information was carried over into the checkout page, and was not user modifiable.

    Problem is, now when a customer adds to cart, selects country and province from drop down boxes, (for invoice location) then either:
    1. Selects "confirm" to continue shopping, then goes to checkout, or;
    2. Goes directly to "checkout"

    The info is not there. There is simply a box looking for the info, but no matter what is put in there, the errors "Please select invoice and shipping location" pop up.

    If the "change" button is selected, and the info is re-entered using the drop down boxes again, everything is fine.

    What am I missing?


    Edit: One more thing to add.
    Functional version 5 URL

    Testing version 6 URL (the one with the problems)
    Rick Smith
    Powerleap Products Canada

    For any who are interested, I was able to partially solve this problem by selecting SSL on for the "Whole Site", as opposed to "Customer Login and Checkout Pages Only".
    However, now the "Items Ordered" and "Cart Value" in the header of the store pages just display $0.00, until the customer actually goes to the Secure portion of the site.
    Not exactly ideal, but better than the alternative.

    With the split SSL, I was also getting the error "The site configuration has been updated by the shop operator while you are checking out. Please navigate back to the product pages by pressing the Browser Back button and try again or contact the site owner." as per the knowledge base FAQ.

    Looks like the two are related, as this also disappeared when I put the whole site on SSL.

    Hoping a patch is on the way that will solve both of these problems,as I'd prefer to use the split SSL for speed, and alos to eliminate those pesky "This site contains both secure and nonsecure items. Do you wish to display the nonsecure items?".
    (Customers just LOVE that.... although I think it's just the company logo file. Should be able to fix that.)

    Rick Smith
    Powerleap Products Canada


      Hi Rick

      The "The site configuration has been updated by the shop operator" error is going to be fixed in the next maintenance release, due out in the next few weeks. After installing this patch your v6 site should be up and running, assuming of course that you have entered your set up details correctly.

      It will be worth seeing if this also fixes your problem with the 'Request Location Information Early' stuff as they are both concerned with the same area - the safe transition of the customer information from http to https.

      Your 'Items/Value' summary seems to be working OK now.



        I was trying to tackle two problems at once, and likely confused the situation.
        What happened was when I had problems with SSL on checkout only, I then switched to SSL on whole site and encountered different problems. (Fewer than with checkout only, so I thought I'd go from there.)

        What I really want to fix is SSL on checkout only.
        The test site is configured as such now. I suspect when you checked it I still had SSL on whole site.

        I am now running SSL on checkout only, and the problems are reproducable.

        I've tried adjusting "ask for location info early" , and "enable repeat orders" among other things, but bottom line, I'm getting the General Script Error (as per knowledge base FAQ).

        I do hope that the maintenance release will clear thing up as I like the added features of six.... but not at the price of functionality.

        Thanks for the feedback,
        Rick Smith
        Powerleap Products Canada


          You need to check your SSL configuration - is the 'acatalog' folder when viewed by http and https pointing to the same folder? If it is not, and there are two physical directories, then I'm afraid we don't support this split SSL configuration.

          If the http and https URLs are pointing to the same single acatalog folder, then you can try editing the Perl scripts in your site folder with the following changes.

          - open and find *sub PrintSSLBouncePage*
          - locate the line

          my $sSessionID = ...

          add the following line just below

          my $sCookie = ACTINIC::EncodeText2($ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'}, $::TRUE);

          - locate the line


          and add the following just below

          "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME='COOKIE' VALUE='$sCookie'>\n" .

          - then open and find *sub ReadAndParseInput*
          - find the lines

          $ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'} =~
          $ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'} =~
          $ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'} =~
          $::g_bSpitSSLChange = $::TRUE;

          change it to
          if (!defined $ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'})
          $ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'} = ACTINIC:ecodeText($::g_InputHash{'COOKIE'},
          $ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'} =~
          $ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'} =~
          $ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'} =~
          $::g_bSpitSSLChange = $::TRUE;

          Actinic is not able to provide any detailed support for script changes made. If you find that there is a problem, an original copy of the script can be found within the 'Original' folder in your installation. Copy this into your site folder.



            Thanks. I'm in the process of getting a pers SSL cert vice the shared host cert I was using.
            I'm also going to experiment with the scripts you've provided.

            I'm really scratching my head now, as I've been working with my webhost to troubleshoot, and they are able to place an order.
            For some reason they do not get the GSE that the rest of the world gets.

            I'll keep working on it.

            Edit to above.

            The script changes you provided seem to have solved the problem

            The only thing that doesn't seem to be working properly now, is that the Java cart does not clear it's contents when the order is finalized.
            It does clear back to $0.00 if you actually select "View Cart"

            I'm going to change to post-order page and see if this makes a difference, but at least things are now usable.

            Thanks so much for your time.
            Rick Smith
            Powerleap Products Canada

