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URGENT!!!Error when sending Merge Request

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    URGENT!!!Error when sending Merge Request

    found my site was not working

    Tried to update site but it stopped at merge files with error "an error on sending merge request"

    Tried refreshing site but same error

    Tried compress data all ok but still error on refresh

    Deleted all files in server and refreshed site but still the same error

    Can any one help as it is costing me lost sales

    Thanks in advance

    Chris Ashdown

    I think the error may be with the sever as I have had this email from Fasthosts

    We are upgrading the Linux servers that host your website on the 7th June.

    The main impact of the upgrade is that the physical path to your server will change.

    Your current server paths:


    will become:


    If you make references to absolute paths in any of your web scripts, you must change them accordingly. This is necessary to ensure your web scripts continue to work.

    My current network setup is as follows

    Any suggestions welcome
    Attached Files
    Chris Ashdown


      They might have changed something else as well.

      You could try running the network setup wizard or test and seeing what that says.


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        It looks like they have reset the permissions and now say that acatalog does not need permission 777

        Can anyone confirm this?

        Any other Fasthost sites on linix may also be down due to this improvement of theirs
        Chris Ashdown


          This knowledge base article tells you about Fasthosts settings - and gives you instructions on using an application called 'Putty' - which you need in order to change permissions on Fasthosts Linux servers.

          I suggest putting the 'acatalog' folder to '777' (and the cgi-bin to '755') and see if that gets you working again. If it does, try then reducing the permissions of the 'acatalog' folder to '755'.


            cheers chris you are a start

            The problem although not admitted by fasthosts was that they had changed the permissions when they changed servers and did not know what they were talking about.

            After your help with "Putty" I changed the cgi-bin to 755 and the acatalog to 777 and all worked well. I then changed acatalog to 755 and again all works well

            Fasthosts did not tell me that you had to set up a shell login and that once entered it took over an hour before you could use the password

            Outcome I lost the best part of 24 hours trading after fasthosts decided to improve the server and the only impact will be a change in physical path to you server, which should not effect you.

            Thanks again forum for your assistance

            Chris, what is the putty command to just check the permissions?
            Chris Ashdown


              to get a listing at the linux command prompt try a simple
              # dir

              # ls -l

              # ls -ln

              to get a full and different listings which should show on the left the permissions of the folders and files i.e. something like xxxx-x-x for the equiv of 0755 I thinks....

