For some reason, the drop-down section list is not appearing in the top right-hand corner of your design and is causing an error. If you are happy not to have this, I suggest removing the following code from your 'Default Overall Layout Template' (in 'Design | Options | Layouts'):
I don't know why your store is having a problem displaying it. It could be due to your store having 40-odd sections at the top-level of your store structure and the browser is unable to process a JS array this large.
I would like the dropdown to stay in view. The odd thing is that if you use Netscape browser everything is fine and the dropdown shows but in Internet Explorer the dropdown doesn't show and all you get is the error message.
I understand that you still want the drop down is the same place....what I am trying to ensure is that you place the code in such a position where it will work. And not upset the vagaries of how IE interperets html that it isn't entirely happy with.
If I had this error, the first thing I would establish is if the code will work on the page in IE regardless of position, once you know you have working code you can then place it in the position you want it.
Even if something works in Netscape it still may not work in IE and visa versa, you will have to fiddle about to please both
OK - I think we need to take a step back from this for a moment.
The error about 'expected Hexadecimal digit' is a mystery to me as I tried removing the aforementioned code before advising you to do it, and it did not generate any errors of the type you describe. Also, when I look at your store online, I do not see the message you describe, so I assume you have not uploaded your changes.
I can confirm the drop-down list works in Netscape, so what we are looking at here is a difference in the way the two browsers handle this drop-down list code.
It looks as if you are using a pretty untouched Actinic theme, so I assume you have not made any changes to the templates that you are worried about keeping. If that is the case then I would like you to re-apply the 'Curves' theme and the upload again and see if you receive the same error.
If you do, then I would like you to try an experiment: take all but about five of your sections, and move them into a sub-folder temporarily (please back-up before doing this). Then preview/upload and see if this makes any difference. If IE displays it correctly, then what we are looking at here is a browser limitation (in that it cannot display the full list) and I would suggest you condense down your top-level sections to be a shorter list.
Anyway, give it a whirl and let us know how you get on.
Further to this - I think this following bug report may be what is causing your problem:
Java Script error occurs when trying to display the section drop down list.
IE reports that the 'sections' cannot be found. This is the array of
section information in Act_Sections.js.
The error occurs when the section images are not in the Actinic site folder (normally Site1). Actinic then places the section image names with their drive/path into the Act_sections.js array. The back slashes then cause IE to report an error and not display the section list.
The way to work around this issue then, is to move all your section images to the 'Site1' (or equivalent) folder and upload. We will get this problem fixed as soon as we can.