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Programming Custom Buttons

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    Programming Custom Buttons

    OK's my dilemma. I've got some javascript buttons that I'm developing for a new site. Here's the problem. They work great as long as customers are not logged in. As soon as someone logs in, if they return to the home page, the buttons no longer work properly. The customer is not given their discounted pricing, because the cgi scripts aren't executed. I tried putting the cgi scripts into the buttons, but then when a customer clicks on them the first time (if they haven't logged in), they get an error. Any suggestions? You can test it for yourself at Just log in as userID=bronze and password=bronze. I have to get this resolved because the client wants the site live by Friday. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    Hi - just a quickie - looged in and buttons seemed to work - could you be clearer as to what is missing? - Best - James
    James Gladwin


      Hi James...yes, after you've logged in, go to the store and check your pricing. Then go back to the home page. Now go back into the store from the buttons on the home page. You'll notice that your pricing is not the same because the buttons aren't using the cgi. I'm not sure how to make the buttons dynamic so that they access the cgi after someone has logged in.


        You need to use section and product links of the following format...

        Product Links...


        · http://your.URL/cgi-bin is the URL of your CGI-BIN
        · is the name of your search script with the 'x' replaced with your CGI ID number
        · 12345 is the product reference of your desired product.
        · &NOLOGIN=1 is an essential thing to add to the end of the URL to order to bypass the login page

        Section Links...


        · http://your.URL/cgi-bin is the URL of your CGI-BIN
        · is the name of your search script with the 'x' replaced with your CGI ID number
        · Section%5fPage%2ehtml is the filename of your desired page. Note that you have to encode any non-alphanumeric characters so an underscore '_' becomes '%5f' and a full stop '.' becomes '%2e'.
        · &NOLOGIN=1 is an essential thing to add to the end of the URL to order to bypass the login page


          I'll try that right now and will let you know. Thanks again Chris.


            Buttons disappeared.

            I am adding this note here, as I cannot find the answer anywhere else.

            I just upgraded to V8 and all my HEADERGUIDE buttons (painstaking designed by myself) into text. And of course the text is the wrong colour, so you can't read the text. If you don't believe me see: (can you see the Home link?)

            Now the button images are all there, and the layout instructions look right.

            I know I am missing something simple... any clues...

            (BTW this is going to be a long night...) More problems to follow,
            Sally Dickson
            Creative Catalogues Online - Brands & E-shops

            The Official Paddington Bear Shop
            The Official Bang on the Door Shop
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            The Official Maisy Shop



              Get yourself a bottle of wine and calm down, you'll sort the problem much quicker. Your site is about 3 minutes away from being as you want it. It's nowhere near as desperate as you seem to think.

              If these are what you are referring to:

              [ New from the Miffy Shop UK ][ Miffy ][ About the Artist: Dick Bruna ][ Contact Us ][Products]

              They have a style applied to them which is the exact same colour as the background i.e. <span class="actxxsmall"

              Simply change the colour in the stylesheet to what you want them to be, id imagine you want white, so in the stylesheet, you want:

              .actxxsmall { font-size: 10px; color: #FFFFFF; }

              instead of:

              .actxxsmall { font-size: 10px; color: #00487e; }


                I know I am missing something simple... any clues...
                you need to apply a different class to the links on the blue background.

                Your links on a white background are blue, since you are using the same class the links on blue background become invisible.

                Probably a good idea to revert to your old site, put the v8 site into a test area, then you've got all the time in the world to sort out the niggly bits.

