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Running multiple copies

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    Running multiple copies

    Is it possible to run multiple copies of version 7 to edit two sites at the same time? I'd really like to be able to copy and paste between two sites, and right now I have to switch sites which is rather slow.

    You can only have one instance of a version runnning on one machine at any one time, so not possible in normal operation.

    I suppose you might be able to install the same version on the same machine again, but under a different folder installation (using your different auth keys in each one), but not sure if that would work 100% to be perfectly honest with you, but you can but try I guess, but make sure you get a good snapshot/backups prior to doing it, just incase it does funny things with 2 installations of the same within the same machine! That way you can uninstall and reinstall the single copy and reimport your snapshot/backup.


      Even if you got two copies working I don't think you could copy / paste products, attributes, etc. I don't think Actinic uses the clipboard for such items but does it internally within the application and that data isn't available to other apps (even the same app running as a different process).

      This is certainly the case if you have V6 and V7 both running. You can only copy text between them not objects.

      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        Maybe the easist way to achieve this would be to mark all sections of the old catalog that are not needed as purged, export to a hierarchical file and then either import to your current catalog using the update option and put them into a temp section so that you can cut and paste - but only if the products are not in the new catalog because if they are they will be replaced with the old ones, or just edit the output file in excel or notepad and cut and paste from their.

        Many thanks,
        Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
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          Thanks all. The purpose was to transfer a new product component design from a test site to the live site, and it did work within the app with the switching. It worked, if slowly.

          What has been really helpful is the full catalog report as I was able to review it offline and see bits that I'd missed. Like a £99 product that became £395... (at least it was the right way round!). All that is missing from that report is the weights.


            I don't think Actinic uses the clipboard for such items
            Yes, we do. :-)

            Actinic Software


              Yes, we do. :-)
              Sorry. I was fooled because data copied from one version of Actinic doesn't seem to be available to another. E.g. if I run V6 and V7 I can't get anything other than text to copy / paste between.

              If that was possible it would be a neat way of moving the odd product between versions.

              However I now see that it does work if you have more than one site running under the same version. You can copy a product, etc - switch sites, and then paste it in to the new site.

              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                Tree items copy and paste worked in the old versions. But there were lot of enhancements in v7 which made the tree objects incompatible with v6. Therefore the clipboard data format has been changed and it is not allowed between this two versions. But as you have found it is possible between sites and I believe it works between v5 and v6.

                Actinic Software

