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Submission to search engines and meta tags in actinic

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    Submission to search engines and meta tags in actinic

    hi there all,

    i have a couple of quick questions about submission. I see that in actinic under the online catalouge there is a space for meta tag and keywords and name. When i click on this box, the pop up window says: edit catalog details.

    Is this the main meta tag and keywords that i choose for the submission of my web site? Also where is says name do i need to put in the website name for thwe search engines to pick this up?

    I am not quite sure how to submit the site and where to enter this information. I can submit the site through a control pannel for my web site, but the only fields that this allows me to enter are my email address and url, there is not description of any sort. For this reason io am wondering if the meta tags in the box i talked about earlier was where the search engines go for my description.

    The submitter in my web control pannel allows me to submit to the sites below:

    Altavista UK

    Any idea how i would go about submitting to the rest? and how often i should do this?

    Also anyone got any idea how ofen you should submit to google?

    Thanks for all your help guys,


    Thanks for all help everyone!!

    It's all fairly easy really.

    1. the meta tags and description sit on your web pages. You define them in actinic and the search engines read them when they come to visit.

    2. When you submit to a search engine you're really only letting them know that you exist. They'll visit your pages and make up their mind about how to rank you based on your web content and the links to your site.

    3. You only need to submit your home page. They'll follow the internal links on your site and find the rest of your pages. make sure you have the sitemap option turned on as it makes it easier and quicker for the search engines to find your pages.

    4. Links are how most of the search engines (especially Google) will find your site. They also help to boost you in the rankings. For a good start, make sure you get a listing in the Yahoo and DMOZ directories.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Don't use auto submission sites. Submit manually it doesn't take long.

      use the relationship chart at

      to determine who drives who, thus who you need to submit to


        Hi there all,

        thanks for ther great advice, i just wanted to know what to do when to submit, where to submit and how often. Is this different for all the engines? is there any site that you can tell me about that will let me know this?

        thanks again,

        Thanks for all help everyone!!


          submit once only, wait a month or two to see if you are listed, if not you will have to tweak you site and then submit again.

          If you search this forum you will find more advice and references to good SEO sites

