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should product quantity default show as 1?

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    should product quantity default show as 1?

    This is partly a general question and partly a specific question.

    If you select show product quantity on order page, you get a little entry box with 1 in and an add to cart button. You can change the quantity if you want to add, say 5 products.

    Is this the best way? Should the entry box be empty or have a nought in it? I find it a little confusing to look at all those ones - it looks like I have ordered every product on the page and it makes me panic about how much money I might have spent....

    Does anyone else feel this? Is there an alternative in actinic that allows you to specify product quantities on order page but has an empty number box. I realise that if you then don't specify a quantity, you will get an error - does actinic 6 have anything that will support this? Or have I missed something blindingly obvious?

    Or would it be better to have display product quantity on order page just turned off? It's good to have it there, though, because it puts the thought of ordering more than one in the customer's mind....

    Anyone got any thoughts?

    I reckon having an Add to Cart button per product - i.e. next to each quantity field - communicates the fact that each product would be added to the cart individually.

    However, if you did want to change the default quantity appearance then you could replace



    <!-- NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTQUANTITY --><input type="text" size="10" name="Q_NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTREFERENCE" value="0">

    to give a default of zero.



      I'll run it past my client, see what they and their customers think - now I know it's possible to change it ;-)

