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Tracking software

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    Tracking software


    We need to send data back to some tracking software supplied by an affiliate to monitor sales. We have been given some sample code but it is in ASP. Can someone help us and let us know which page to integrate the details or if it is possible to integrate this code.

    The following is some sample code provided to us.

    Example “Step 3 ASP” (Trackback-Sale)
    dim TD, ordernumber, ordervalue, organization
    dim curr, eventid

    'This part should be implemented after you have retrieved all variables and displayed
    'the receipt.

    ordernumber = "111"

    'ordervalue = total including shipping and taxes. Cannot consist of , (comma) or spaces.
    'Decimal sign is . (dot).
    'Shall be 1 if tracking a lead
    ordervalue = "102.50"

    'organization = id number, provided by TradeDoubler
    organization = 51

    //Supplied by TradeDoubler
    eventid = 5

    'curr = 3-letter code for currency of value1. Only needed if tracking a sale.
    curr = "GBP"

    '///////////////////////(Optional feature)//////////////////////////////

    'Product report
    'Example product (you can add multiple products.
    'Add | between them (f1...&f2...&f3...|f1...&f2...&f3...) )
    'f1 is product number
    'f2 is product name
    'f3 is product value. Use dot (.) as decimal sign and no thousand separators.

    reportInfo = "f1=ProdNR01&f2=ProdName1&f3=100.00|f1=ProdNR02&f2=ProdName2&f3=1000.00"

    'Important! reportInfo parameter need to be URLEncoded in UTF-8 format.

    reportInfo = Server.URLEncode(reportInfo)


    <img src="<%=organization%>&event=<%=eventid%>&orderNumber=<%=ordernumber%>&orderValue=<%=ordervalue%>&currency=<%=curr%>&reportInfo=<%=reportInfo%>" HEIGHT="1" WIDTH="1">

    we also got the same code in jsp and php

    Example “Step 3 JSP” (Trackback-Sale)

    //Change to organization id provided by TradeDoubler
    String organization = "51";

    //Change to the order value of the current order or "1" if lead
    //Cannot consist of , (comma) or spaces. Decimal sign is . (dot)
    String orderValue = "102.50";

    //Change to the unique order number or lead number
    String orderNumber = "111";

    //event supplied by TradeDoubler
    String event = "1000";

    //Only needed if your TradeDoubler program has a different curreny then the order
    String currency = "GBP";

    ////////////////////////(Optional feature)//////////////////////////////

    Product report
    Example product (you can add multiple products.
    Add | between them (f1...&f2...&f3...|f1...&f2...&f3...) )
    f1 is product number
    f2 is product name
    f3 is product value. Use dot (.) as decimal sign and no thousand separators.
    Bellow is an example, you must replace the products values.

    String reportInfo = "f1=ProdNR01&f2=ProdName1&f3=100.00|f1=ProdNR02&f2=ProdName2&f3=1000.00";

    //Important! reportInfo parameter need to be URLEncoded in UTF-8 format.
    reportInfo =;

    <img src="<%=organization %>&event=<%=event%>&orderNumber=<%=orderNumber %>&orderValue=<%=orderValue%>&currency=<%=currency%>&reportInfo=<%=reportInfo%>" width="1" height="1">

    Example “Step 3 PHP” (Trackback-Sale)


    //Change to organization id provided by TradeDoubler
    $org_id = 222404;

    //Change to the order value of the current order or "1" if lead
    //Cannot consist of , (comma) or spaces. Decimal sign is . (dot)
    $orderValue = "102.50";

    //Change to the unique order number or lead number
    $orderNumber = "111";

    //event supplied by TradeDoubler
    $event = 1211;

    //Only needed if your TradeDoubler program has a different curreny then the order
    $currency = "GBP";

    ////////////////////////(Optional feature)/////////////////////////////////////

    Product report
    Example product (you can add multiple products.
    Add | between them (f1...&f2...&f3...|f1...&f2...&f3...) )
    f1 is product number
    f2 is product name
    f3 is product value. Use dot (.) as decimal sign and no thousand separators.
    Bellow is an example, you must replace the products values.

    $reportInfo = "f1=ProdNr01&f2=ProdName1&f3=100.00|f1=ProdNR02&f2=ProdName2&f3=1000.00";

    //Important! reportInfo parameter need to be URLEncoded in UTF-8 format.
    $reportInfo = urlencode($reportInfo);



    echo "<IMG SRC=".$org_id."&event=".$event."&orderNumber=".$orderNumber."&orderValue=".$orderValue."&currency=".$currency."&reportInfo=".$reportInfo." width=1 height=1>";



      Any Ideas? Any body?


        The Following is on the actinic Knowledge base.


        Issue: I need to add an affiliate tag to the receipt template. I understand that the following is available for his: NETQUOTEVAR:NUMERICORDERTOTALCGI
        but this includes tax and shipping. How can I get to the total price excluding these two?
        Solution: -Edit in the Site folder using a text editor such as Notepad.
        -Search for 'NUMERICORDERTOTALCG'.
        -You should see the lines...

        @Response = ActinicOrder::FormatPrice($nTotal, $::FALSE, $::g_pCatalogBlob);
        if ($Response[0] != $::SUCCESS)
        return (@Response);
        $::s_VariableTable{$::VARPREFIX.'NUMERICORDERTOTALCGI'} = ACTINIC::EncodeText2($Response[2]);

        -Change the first line to...

        @Response = ActinicOrder::FormatPrice($nSubTotal, $::FALSE, $::g_pCatalogBlob);

        Actinic is not able to provide any detailed support for script changes made. If you find that there is a problem, an original copy of the script can be found within the 'Original' folder in your installation. Copy this into your site folder.


        Can anyone confirm this will do the same job as the above codes as per previous posts?


          The script you mention will mean that the variable NETQUOTEVAR:NUMERICORDERTOTALCGI can be placed within the receipt template and will be substituted for the value of the goods in the order (less any tax or postage).

          You can take this variable and maybe place it within your code somewhere. I don't know where you place all that code you quote though. All I can really do here is tell you the variables that you can place within Act_Order04.html:

          String $orderValue = "NETQUOTEVAR:NUMERICORDERTOTALCGI";

          String orderNumber = "NETQUOTEVAR:THEORDERNUMBER";



            Do tradedoubler have a JavaScript version of their code - that's going to be the easiest to intergrate.

            All of the affiliate networks I've ever used in the past have javascript. The code you have got could be converted fairly easily into javascript so i would have thought there would be a JavaScript version available.

            As Chris said, you will need to assign

            Actinic User since v.3

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