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Fragments - Error when creating??

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    Fragments - Error when creating??

    When creating a frament everything is ok until a few lines of text is entered into the description.

    Then we get the error ' An error occured whiole editing the product database table. Data truncated.' If I exit Actinic it then creates an $orphan which cant be deleted when purged. Another error occurs and the only way to resolve is to do a snapshot restore.

    Even when all products all deleted with just the catalog title the same error occurs.

    A bug I believe.

    Any body got any ideas???



    A bug I believe.
    Yes, you are right, it is a bug . I have notified development and will let you know if there is a way around it.

    Thanks for bringing it to our attention.


      ... Frangments

      Thanks for letting me know.



        TraceyG - Is this a scarey enough bug to stop us experimentin?
        Football Heaven

        For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


          This bug occurs when you add more than 255 characters to the description of a brochure fragment created in the content tree. It doesn't happen in the "old" brochure tree, so shouldn't affect upgrades.

          Once you've created such a fragment, you get a looping error message and you can only stop it by killing the task using task manager. You can only correct the problem by editing the database in Access to shorten the field contents. Nasty.

          (Correct by opening Access, opening the datbase in your site folder - default C:/Program Files/Actinic v7/Sites/Site1/ActinicCatalog.mdb, opening the Product table, locate the text in sFragmentText and delete that row. Alternatively send ActinicCatalog.mdb to Actinic for correction).

          Sorry about that. The fix will be in 7.0.1 which should be on beta in a handful of days.



            Thanks for the info.
            Football Heaven

            For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.



              Thanks for letting me know - looking for to the update (how sad am i?)




                Actinic Fragments in Product Brochure


                This really is fast-becoming an eff!n' nightmare!

                Editing delicate, raw database files!? I only wish I'd seen this post sooner. C'est la vie.

                I was full of praise for the look'n'feel of v7's improvements, so I paid me monies ... but, since moving from a local trial on a dev machine to a real-world hosted version, I've spent an entire day fixing bugs and finding workarounds. (Thanks Techno-Web / 4SureHosting for all the help / support!)

                Guys, we really NEED this patch you're going to issue us with so, please, don't try and update anything for ergonomic / aesthetic reasons ... just give us the fixes, PLEASE.

                A bemused Actinic fan!


                <B>Steve Crane</B>



                  I definitely understand your concerns, and 7.0.1 is imminent (it is being tested at the moment).

                  It was always in the v7 release plan from day 1 to make a 7.0.1 two or three weeks after 7.0.0 is released. This in order to quickly fix any problems there might be in v7 that did not come to light in the beta program. This is standard software practice.

                  There will be no 'ergonomic' changes in 7.0.1 - it will simply address any issues that have come to light. Specifically, the details of the fixes in 7.0.1 are as follows:
                  • There was a problem whereby if a cart content discount was triggered by 'Value' (as opposed to 'Quantity') it would not work. This has now been addressed.
                  • You can now create a fragment in a section page that has more than 255 characters in the 'Text' field without a 'Data truncated' error.
                  • Making changes to the order was causing the order 'Create Date' to be changed. This does not happen any more.
                  • The initialisation of the offline order wizard has been changed so that it is no longer affected by having a large number of products in the database.
                  • The upload performance has been improved so that it takes less time to generate the upload files. It is now in line with v6 standards.
                  • The upgrader has now been fixed to support the upgrade into versions higher than 7.0.1.
                  Note that with the exception of the last two, all the problems affect new functionality - rather than existing functionality. In other words, they will not affect the functionality of your upgraded v6 data.

                  Hope that helps clarify things for you.



                    Excellent news!

                    ... any ideas on a date for the patch?

                    ... and will we be notified by eMail of its existence or do we need to keep checking back?

                    <B>Steve Crane</B>


                      As I say, we are talking about a handful of days before it is released.

                      We will be emailing all Actinic Cover customers when v7.0.1 is released (so that includes you) as well as notifying people via this community forum.


                        yikes, help me please

                        this happened to me just now.... i exited the program, and now when i go back in, all of my products seem to be missing in the category in which the error happened... but if i do a page preview, i can see the products.. weird

                        i cannot do a whole site preview

                        what do i do to fix this and get my products back? eek!

                        what is a snapshot restore? is that what i have to do?

                        i am on my 30 day evaluation for a 2500 product e-store...


                          Hi Missa,

                          You can either upgrade to v7.0.1 (still in Beta testing), or you can go directly into the database as per Chris Barlings earlier post.


                            so now i?

                            is the best bet to send the db out to actinic? i'm waiting for a reply from the USA guy...

                            also, does anyone recommend using the beta version for a live site with over 2500 products? an ecommerce site that gets about 1600 visitors a day and 100 orders per day?

                            any advice? i'd hate for a database problem to happen because of an uneducated error with the current release of V7 with that many people depending on us per day...

                            by the way: we bought an $1800 shopping cart last year that had quickbooks integration... nothing worked at all with the software so we are wary of another purchase... i dont mean to sound stand-off-ish, just cautious...


                              is the best bet to send the db out to actinic? i'm waiting for a reply from the USA guy...
                              I would recommend waiting for the release of v7.0.1 - it will be announced later today on this forum.

                              If you upgrade to that it will mean you do not encounter the problem with the character limit on brochure fragments in the store pages.

