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not getting emails from actinic

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    not getting emails from actinic

    Hello, could anyone help me with the reason I am not getting automatic emails from actinic to inform me I have new orders? I used to but haven't for the last week or so. I also did a test order from the site using my email address and neither got an email informing I had a new order or the receipt email usually sent to customers.

    Also, today I tried to send a message to a customer via actinic and got this error message;

    ......@AOL.COMError returned from SMTP server (1: 550-Your IP address [] has been blocked by Zen Internet's

    I phoned Zen Internet and they said that IP address is their server for various websites & I should find out from actinic what the problem is (I thought the problem might be that they thought my email address was spam).

    Please can anybody help??

    Thank you.

    1. Don't you love ISPs technical support. They reject email from their own server and then deny that it's their problem.

    2. Apart from the strange blocking message, I think the error 550 might be the response when it wants email authentication but fails. If this is the case and it worked before then Zen must have swtiched to authenticated email quite recently.

    Here's what I'd do.

    a) Run the network test and see what response you get to the email test (probably a 550).

    b) Phone Zen again and ask them about when they switched to needing email authentication for SMTP.

    c) If you can, download V7 and try that. It supports email authentication and can run in a seperate 'test' directory so won't upset the rest of your site.

    d) Assuming that email authentication is the problem you have two options; either use norman's email patch routine or upgrade to V7.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Thank you for your help. I spoke to Zen again and it seems they mistakenly blocked my info@ address, possibly thinking it was spam! They now seem to have sorted it out, could have admitted their error to begin with though!

